View Source AshJsonApi.Resource (ash_json_api v0.33.0)

The entrypoint for adding JSON:API behavior to a resource"

Table of Contents

  • json_api
    • routes
      • get
      • index
      • post
      • patch
      • delete
      • related
      • relationship
      • post_to_relationship
      • patch_relationship
      • delete_from_relationship
    • primary_key



Configure the resource's behavior in the JSON:API

  • routes
    • get
    • index
    • post
    • patch
    • delete
    • related
    • relationship
    • post_to_relationship
    • patch_relationship
    • delete_from_relationship
  • primary_key


json_api do
  type "post"
  includes [
    friends: [
    comments: []

  routes do
    base "/posts"

    get :read
    get :me, route: "/me"
    index :read
    post :confirm_name, route: "/confirm_name"
    patch :update
    related :comments, :read
    relationship :comments, :read
    post_to_relationship :comments
    patch_relationship :comments
    delete_from_relationship :comments

  • :type (String.t/0) - Required. The resource identifier type of this resource in JSON:API

  • :includes (term/0) - A keyword list of all paths that are includable from this resource The default value is [].



Configure the routes that will be exposed via the JSON:API


routes do
  base "/posts"

  get :read
  get :me, route: "/me"
  index :read
  post :confirm_name, route: "/confirm_name"
  patch :update
  related :comments, :read
  relationship :comments, :read
  post_to_relationship :comments
  patch_relationship :comments
  delete_from_relationship :comments

  • :base (String.t/0) - Required. The base route for the resource, e.g "/users"


A GET route to retrieve a single record


get :read
  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route The default value is "/:id".

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A GET route to retrieve a list of records


index :read
  • :paginate? (boolean/0) - The default value is true.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route The default value is "/".

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A POST route to create a record


post :create
  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route The default value is "/".

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.

  • :relationship_arguments (term/0) - A list of arguments that can be edited in the data.relationships input.
    This is primarily useful for those who want to keep their relationship changes in compliance with the JSON:API spec. If you are not focused on building a fully compliant JSON:API, it is likely far simpler to simply accept arguments in the attributes key and ignore the data.relationships input.
    If the argument's type is {:array, _}, a list of data will be expected. Otherwise, it will expect a single item.
    For example:

      # On a tweets resource  
      # With a patch route that references the `authors` argument
      json_api do
        routes do
          patch :update, relationship_arguments: [:authors]
      # And an argument by that name in the action
      actions do
        update :update do
          argument :authors, {:array, :map}, allow_nil?: false  
          change manage_relationship(:authors, type: :append_and_remove) # Use the authors argument to allow changing the related authors on update

    You can then send the value for authors in the relationships key, e.g

        data: {
          attributes: {
          relationships: {
            authors: {
              data: [
                {type: "author", id: 1}, // the `type` key is removed when the value is placed into the action, so this input would be `%{"id" => 1}` (`type` is required by `JSON:API` specification)
                {type: "author", id: 2, meta: {arbitrary: 1, keys: 2}}, <- `meta` is JSON:API spec freeform data, so this input would be `%{"id" => 2, "arbitrary" => 1, "keys" => 2}`

    If you do not include :authors in the relationship_arguments key, you would supply its value in attributes, e.g:

        data: {
          attributes: {
            authors: {
              {id: 1},
              {id: 2, arbitrary: 1, keys: 2},

    Non-map argument types, e.g argument :author, :integer (expecting an author id) work with manage_relationship, but not with JSON:API, because it expects {"type": _type, "id" => id} for relationship values. To support non-map arguments in relationship_arguments, instead of :author, use {:id, :author}. This works for {:array, _} type arguments as well, so the value would be a list of ids. The default value is [].

  • :upsert? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to use the upsert?: true option when calling YourApi.create/2. The default value is false.

  • :upsert_identity (atom/0) - Which identity to use for the upsert The default value is false.


A PATCH route to update a record


patch :update
  • :relationship_arguments (term/0) - A list of arguments that can be edited in the data.relationships input.
    This is primarily useful for those who want to keep their relationship changes in compliance with the JSON:API spec. If you are not focused on building a fully compliant JSON:API, it is likely far simpler to simply accept arguments in the attributes key and ignore the data.relationships input.
    If the argument's type is {:array, _}, a list of data will be expected. Otherwise, it will expect a single item.
    For example:

      # On a tweets resource  
      # With a patch route that references the `authors` argument
      json_api do
        routes do
          patch :update, relationship_arguments: [:authors]
      # And an argument by that name in the action
      actions do
        update :update do
          argument :authors, {:array, :map}, allow_nil?: false  
          change manage_relationship(:authors, type: :append_and_remove) # Use the authors argument to allow changing the related authors on update

    You can then send the value for authors in the relationships key, e.g

        data: {
          attributes: {
          relationships: {
            authors: {
              data: [
                {type: "author", id: 1}, // the `type` key is removed when the value is placed into the action, so this input would be `%{"id" => 1}` (`type` is required by `JSON:API` specification)
                {type: "author", id: 2, meta: {arbitrary: 1, keys: 2}}, <- `meta` is JSON:API spec freeform data, so this input would be `%{"id" => 2, "arbitrary" => 1, "keys" => 2}`

    If you do not include :authors in the relationship_arguments key, you would supply its value in attributes, e.g:

        data: {
          attributes: {
            authors: {
              {id: 1},
              {id: 2, arbitrary: 1, keys: 2},

    Non-map argument types, e.g argument :author, :integer (expecting an author id) work with manage_relationship, but not with JSON:API, because it expects {"type": _type, "id" => id} for relationship values. To support non-map arguments in relationship_arguments, instead of :author, use {:id, :author}. This works for {:array, _} type arguments as well, so the value would be a list of ids. The default value is [].

  • :read_action (atom/0) - The read action to use to look the record up before updating The default value is nil.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route The default value is "/:id".

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A DELETE route to destroy a record


delete :destroy
  • :read_action (atom/0) - The read action to use to look the record up before updating The default value is nil.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route The default value is "/:id".

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A GET route to read the related resources of a relationship


related :comments, :read
  • :relationship (atom/0) - Required.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route - Defaults to /:id/[relationship_name]

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A READ route to read the relationship, returns resource identifiers.


relationship :comments, :read
  • :relationship (atom/0) - Required.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route - Defaults to /:id/relationships/[relationship_name]

  • :action (atom/0) - Required. The action to call when this route is hit

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A POST route to create related entities using resource identifiers


post_to_relationship :comments
  • :relationship (atom/0) - Required.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route - Defaults to /:id/relationships/[relationship_name]

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A PATCH route to update a relationship using resource identifiers


patch_relationship :comments
  • :relationship (atom/0) - Required.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route - Defaults to /:id/relationships/[relationship_name]

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.


A DELETE route to remove related entities using resource identifiers


delete_from_relationship :comments
  • :relationship (atom/0) - Required.

  • :route (String.t/0) - The path of the route - Defaults to /:id/relationships/[relationship_name]

  • :default_fields (list of atom/0) - A list of fields to be shown in the attributes of the called route

  • :primary? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this is the route that should be linked to by default when rendering links to this type of route The default value is false.



Encode the id of the JSON API response from selected attributes of a resource


primary_key do
  keys [:first_name, :last_name]
  delimiter "~"

  • :keys - Required. the list of attributes to encode JSON API primary key

  • :delimiter (String.t/0) - The delimiter to concatenate the primary key values. Default to be '-' The default value is "-".

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.base_route/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.base_route/1.

Link to this function


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This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.includes/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.includes/1.

Link to this function

only_primary_key?(resource, field)

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Link to this function


View Source
This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.primary_key_delimiter/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.primary_key_delimiter/1.

Link to this function


View Source
This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.primary_key_fields/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.primary_key_fields/1.

Link to this function

route(resource, criteria \\ %{})

View Source
This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.routes/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.routes/1.

This function is deprecated. See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.type/1.

See AshJsonApi.Resource.Info.type/1.