View Source Open API
Use with Phoenix
To set up the Open API endpoints for your application, first include the :open_api_spex
{:open_api_spex, "~> 3.16"},
Then in the module where you call use AshJsonApi.Router
add the following option:
use AshJsonApi.Router, domains: [...], open_api: "/open_api"
Finally, you can use utilities provided by open_api_spex
to show UIs for your API. Be sure to put your forward
call last, if you are putting your API at a sub-path.
forward "/api/swaggerui",
path: "/api/open_api",
title: "Myapp's JSON-API - Swagger UI",
default_model_expand_depth: 4
forward "/api/redoc",
spec_url: "/api/open_api"
forward "/api", YourApp.YourApiRouter
Now you can go to /api/swaggerui
and /api/redoc
Use with Plug
To set up the open API endpoints for your application, first include the :open_api_spex
and :redoc_ui_plug
{:open_api_spex, "~> 3.16"},
{:redoc_ui_plug, "~> 0.2.1"},
Then in the module where you call use AshJsonApi.Router
add the following option:
use AshJsonApi.Router, domains: [...], open_api: "/open_api"
Finally, you can use utilities provided by open_api_spex
to show UIs for your API. Be sure to put your forward
call last, if you are putting your API at a sub-path.
forward "/api/swaggerui",
to: OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI,
init_opts: [
path: "/api/open_api",
title: "Myapp's JSON-API - Swagger UI",
default_model_expand_depth: 4
forward "/api/redoc",
to: Redoc.Plug.RedocUI,
init_opts: [
spec_url: "/api/open_api"
forward "/api", YourApp.YourApiRouter
Now you can go to /api/swaggerui
and /api/redoc
Customize values in the OpenAPI documentation
To override any value in the OpenApi documentation you can use the :modify_open_api
options key:
use AshJsonApi.Router,
domains: [...],
open_api: "/open_api",
modify_open_api: {__MODULE__, :modify_open_api, []}
def modify_open_api(spec, _, _) do
| info: %{ | title: "MyApp Title JSON API", version: Application.spec(:my_app, :vsn) |> to_string()}