View Source AshJsonApi.OpenApi (ash_json_api v1.4.6)

Provides functions for generating schemas and operations for OpenApi definitions.

Add open_api_spex to your mix.exs deps for the required struct definitions.


defmodule MyApp.OpenApi do
  alias OpenApiSpex.{OpenApi, Info, Server, Components}

  def spec do
      info: %Info{
        title: "MyApp JSON API",
        version: "1.1"
      servers: [
      paths: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.paths(MyApp.Api),
      tags: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.tags(MyApp.Api),
      components: %Components{
        responses: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.responses(),
        schemas: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.schemas(MyApp.Api)



Paths (routes) from the domain.

Common responses to include in the API Spec.

Resource schemas to include in the API spec.

Tags based on resource names to include in the API spec


Link to this function

define_filter?(domains, resource)

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Link to this function

paths(domains, all_domains, opts)

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@spec paths(
  domain :: module() | [module()],
  module() | [module()],
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) ::

Paths (routes) from the domain.

@spec responses() :: OpenApiSpex.Components.responses_map()

Common responses to include in the API Spec.

@spec schemas(domain :: module() | [module()]) :: %{
  required(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Schema.t()

Resource schemas to include in the API spec.

Link to this function

spec(opts \\ [], conn \\ nil)

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@spec tags(domain :: module() | [module()]) :: [OpenApiSpex.Tag.t()]

Tags based on resource names to include in the API spec