View Source AshJsonApi.OpenApi (ash_json_api v1.4.9)

Provides functions for generating schemas and operations for OpenApi definitions.

Add open_api_spex to your mix.exs deps for the required struct definitions.


defmodule MyApp.OpenApi do
  alias OpenApiSpex.{OpenApi, Info, Server, Components}

  def spec do
      info: %Info{
        title: "MyApp JSON API",
        version: "1.1"
      servers: [
      paths: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.paths(MyApp.Api),
      tags: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.tags(MyApp.Api),
      components: %Components{
        responses: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.responses(),
        schemas: AshJsonApi.OpenApi.schemas(MyApp.Api)



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define_filter?(domains, resource)

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paths(domains, all_domains, opts)

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@spec paths(
  domain :: module() | [module()],
  module() | [module()],
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) ::

Paths (routes) from the domain.

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raw_filter_type(attribute_or_aggregate, resource)

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@spec responses() :: OpenApiSpex.Components.responses_map()

Common responses to include in the API Spec.

@spec schemas(domain :: module() | [module()]) :: %{
  required(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Schema.t()

Resource schemas to include in the API spec.

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spec(opts \\ [], conn \\ nil)

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@spec tags(domain :: module() | [module()]) :: [OpenApiSpex.Tag.t()]

Tags based on resource names to include in the API spec

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write_attributes(resource, arguments, action, route, format)

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@spec write_attributes(
  resource :: module(),
  action :: term(),
  route :: term(),
  format :: content_type_format()
) :: %{required(atom()) => OpenApiSpex.Schema.t()}