View Source Relationships

Relationship Arguments

You can specify which arguments will modify relationships using relationship_arguments, but there are some things to keep in mind.

relationship_arguments is a list of arguments that can be edited in the data.relationships input.

This is primarily useful for those who want to keep their relationship changes in compliance with the JSON:API spec. If you are not focused on building a fully compliant JSON:API, it is likely far simpler to simply accept arguments in the attributes key and ignore the data.relationships input.

If the argument's type is {:array, _}, a list of data will be expected. Otherwise, it will expect a single item.

For example:

# On a tweets resource

# With a patch route that references the `authors` argument
json_api do
  routes do
    patch :update, relationship_arguments: [:authors]

# And an argument by that name in the action
actions do
  update :update do
    argument :authors, {:array, :map}, allow_nil?: false

    change manage_relationship(:authors, type: :append_and_remove) # Use the authors argument to allow changing the related authors on update

You can then send the value for authors in the relationships key, e.g

  data: {
    attributes: {
    relationships: {
      authors: {
        data: [
          {type: "author", id: 1}, // the `type` key is removed when the value is placed into the action, so this input would be `%{"id" => 1}` (`type` is required by `JSON:API` specification)
          {type: "author", id: 2, meta: {arbitrary: 1, keys: 2}}, <- `meta` is JSON:API spec freeform data, so this input would be `%{"id" => 2, "arbitrary" => 1, "keys" => 2}`

If you do not include :authors in the relationship_arguments key, you would supply its value in attributes, e.g:

  data: {
    attributes: {
      authors: {
        {id: 1},
        {id: 2, arbitrary: 1, keys: 2},

Non-map argument types, e.g argument :author, :integer (expecting an author id) work with manage_relationship, but not with JSON:API, because it expects {"type": _type, "id" => id} for relationship values. To support non-map arguments in relationship_arguments, instead of :author, use {:id, :author}. This works for {:array, _} type arguments as well, so the value would be a list of ids.