View Source AshOban.Info (ash_oban v0.2.5)

Introspection for AshOban



The Domain to use when calling actions on this resource. Defaults to the resource's domain.

The Domain to use when calling actions on this resource. Defaults to the resource's domain.

oban.scheduled_actions DSL entities

oban.triggers DSL entities


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@spec oban_domain(dsl_or_extended :: module() | map()) :: {:ok, module()} | :error

The Domain to use when calling actions on this resource. Defaults to the resource's domain.

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@spec oban_domain!(dsl_or_extended :: module() | map()) :: module() | no_return()

The Domain to use when calling actions on this resource. Defaults to the resource's domain.

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@spec oban_options(dsl_or_extended :: module() | map()) :: %{
  required(atom()) => any()

oban DSL options

Returns a map containing the and any configured or default values.

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oban_scheduled_action(resource, name)

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@spec oban_scheduled_action(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t(), atom()) ::
  nil | AshOban.Schedule.t()
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@spec oban_scheduled_actions(dsl_or_extended :: module() | map()) :: [struct()]

oban.scheduled_actions DSL entities

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oban_trigger(resource, name)

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@spec oban_trigger(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t(), atom()) ::
  nil | AshOban.Trigger.t()
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@spec oban_triggers(dsl_or_extended :: module() | map()) :: [struct()]

oban.triggers DSL entities

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@spec oban_triggers_and_scheduled_actions(Ash.Resource.t() | Spark.Dsl.t()) :: [
  AshOban.Trigger.t() | AshOban.Schedule.t()