View Source AshOban (ash_oban v0.2.4)

Tools for working with AshOban triggers.



Builds a specific trigger for the record provided, but does not insert it into the database.

Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration.

Runs a specific trigger for the record provided.

Schedules all relevant jobs for the provided trigger or scheduled action

Runs the schedulers for the given resource, domain, or otp_app, or list of resources, domains, or otp_apps.


@type result() :: %{
  discard: non_neg_integer(),
  cancelled: non_neg_integer(),
  success: non_neg_integer(),
  failure: non_neg_integer(),
  snoozed: non_neg_integer(),
  queues_not_drained: [atom()]
@type triggerable() ::
  Ash.Resource.t() | {Ash.Resource.t(), atom()} | Ash.Domain.t() | atom()


@spec authorize?() :: boolean()
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build_trigger(record, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Builds a specific trigger for the record provided, but does not insert it into the database.


  • :actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.

All other options are passed through to

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config(domains, base, opts \\ [])

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Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration.


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do_schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts)

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@spec lookup_actor(actor_json :: any()) :: any()
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run_trigger(record, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Runs a specific trigger for the record provided.


  • :actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.

All other options are passed through to

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schedule(resource, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Schedules all relevant jobs for the provided trigger or scheduled action


:actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.

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schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts \\ [])

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@spec schedule_and_run_triggers(
  triggerable() | [triggerable()],
) :: result()

Runs the schedulers for the given resource, domain, or otp_app, or list of resources, domains, or otp_apps.


  • drain_queues? - Defaults to false, drains the queues after scheduling. This is primarily for testing
  • queue, with_limit, with_recursion, with_safety, with_scheduled - passed through to Oban.drain_queue/2, if it is called
  • scheduled_actions? - Defaults to false, unless a scheduled action name was explicitly provided. Schedules all applicable scheduled actions.
  • triggers? - Defaults to true, schedules all applicable scheduled actions.
  • actor - The actor to schedule and run the triggers with
  • oban - The oban module to use. Defaults to Oban

If the input is:

  • a list - each item is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • an otp_app - each domain configured in the ash_domains of that otp_app is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • a domain - each reosurce configured in that domain is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • a tuple of {resource, :trigger_name} - that trigger is scheduled, and the results are merged together.
  • a resource - each trigger configured in that resource is scheduled, and the results are merged together.
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store_actor(args, actor)

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@spec store_actor(args :: map(), actor :: any()) :: any()