View Source AshOban (ash_oban v0.2.6)

Tools for working with AshOban triggers.



Builds a specific trigger for the record provided, but does not insert it into the database.

Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration.

Runs a specific trigger for the record provided.

Schedules all relevant jobs for the provided trigger or scheduled action

Runs the schedulers for the given resource, domain, or otp_app, or list of resources, domains, or otp_apps.


@type result() :: %{
  discard: non_neg_integer(),
  cancelled: non_neg_integer(),
  success: non_neg_integer(),
  failure: non_neg_integer(),
  snoozed: non_neg_integer(),
  queues_not_drained: [atom()]
@type triggerable() ::
  Ash.Resource.t() | {Ash.Resource.t(), atom()} | Ash.Domain.t() | atom()


@spec authorize?() :: boolean()
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build_trigger(record, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Builds a specific trigger for the record provided, but does not insert it into the database.


  • :actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.
  • :action_arguments - additional arguments to merge into the action invocation's arguments map. affects the uniqueness checks for the job.
  • :args - additional arguments to merge into the job's arguments map. the action will not use these arguments, it can only be used to affect the job uniqueness checks. you likely are looking for the :action_arguments job.

All other options are passed through to

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config(domains, base, opts \\ [])

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Alters your oban configuration to include the required AshOban configuration.


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do_schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts)

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@spec lookup_actor(actor_json :: any()) :: any()
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run_trigger(record, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Runs a specific trigger for the record provided.


  • :actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.
  • :args - additional arguments to merge into the job's arguments map.

All other options are passed through to

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schedule(resource, trigger, opts \\ [])

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Schedules all relevant jobs for the provided trigger or scheduled action


:actor - the actor to set on the job. Requires configuring an actor persister.

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schedule_and_run_triggers(resources_or_domains_or_otp_apps, opts \\ [])

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@spec schedule_and_run_triggers(
  triggerable() | [triggerable()],
) :: result()

Runs the schedulers for the given resource, domain, or otp_app, or list of resources, domains, or otp_apps.


  • drain_queues? - Defaults to false, drains the queues after scheduling. This is primarily for testing
  • queue, with_limit, with_recursion, with_safety, with_scheduled - passed through to Oban.drain_queue/2, if it is called
  • scheduled_actions? - Defaults to false, unless a scheduled action name was explicitly provided. Schedules all applicable scheduled actions.
  • triggers? - Defaults to true, schedules all applicable scheduled actions.
  • actor - The actor to schedule and run the triggers with
  • oban - The oban module to use. Defaults to Oban

If the input is:

  • a list - each item is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • an otp_app - each domain configured in the ash_domains of that otp_app is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • a domain - each reosurce configured in that domain is passed into schedule_and_run_triggers/1, and the results are merged together.
  • a tuple of {resource, :trigger_name} - that trigger is scheduled, and the results are merged together.
  • a resource - each trigger configured in that resource is scheduled, and the results are merged together.
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store_actor(args, actor)

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@spec store_actor(args :: map(), actor :: any()) :: any()