View Source AshPhoenix.Form.Auto (ash_phoenix v2.0.2)

A tool to automatically generate available nested forms based on a resource and action.

To use this, specify forms: [auto?: true] when creating the form.

Keep in mind, you can always specify these manually when creating a form by simply specifying the forms option.

There are two things that this builds forms for:

  1. Attributes/arguments who's type is an embedded resource.
  2. Arguments that have a corresponding change manage_relationship(..) configured.

For more on relationships see the documentation for Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4.

When building forms, you can switch on the action type and/or resource of the form, in order to have different fields depending on the form. For example, if you have a simple relationship called :comments with on_match: :update and on_no_match: :create, there are two types of forms that can be in inputs_for(form, :comments).

In which case you may have something like this:

<%= for comment_form <- inputs_for(f, :comments) do %>
  <%= hidden_inputs_for(comment_form) %>
  <%= if comment_form.source.type == :create do %>
    <%= text_input comment_form, :text %>
    <%= text_input comment_form, :on_create_field %>
  <% else %>
    <%= text_input comment_form, :text %>
    <%= text_input comment_form, :on_update_field %>
  <% end %>

  <button phx-click="remove_form" phx-value-path="<%= %>">Add Comment</button>
  <button phx-click="add_form" phx-value-path="<%= %>">Add Comment</button>
<% end %>

This also applies to adding forms of different types manually. For instance, if you had a "search" field to allow them to search for a record (e.g in a liveview), and you had an on_lookup read action, you could render a search form for that read action, and once they've selected a record, you could render the fields to update that record (in the case of on_lookup: :relate_and_update configurations).


  • :relationship_fetcher (term/0) - A two argument function that receives the parent data, the relationship to fetch. The default simply fetches the relationship value, and if it isn't loaded, it uses [] or nil.

  • :sparse_lists? (boolean/0) - Sets all list type forms to sparse?: true by default. Has no effect on forms derived for embedded resources. The default value is false.

  • :include_non_map_types? (boolean/0) - Creates form for non map or array of map type inputs The default value is false.

Special Considerations

on_lookup: :relate_and_update

For on_lookup: :relate_and_update configurations, the "read" form for that relationship will use the appropriate read action. However, you may also want to include the relevant fields for the update that would subsequently occur. To that end, a special nested form called :_update is created, that uses an empty instance of that resource as the base of its changeset. This may require some manual manipulation of that data before rendering the relevant form because it assumes all the default values. To solve for this, if you are using liveview, you could actually look up the record using the input from the read action, and then use AshPhoenix.Form.update_form/3 to set that looked up record as the data of the _update form.

Many to Many Relationships

In the case that a manage_change option points to a join relationship, that form is presented via a special nested form called _join. So the first form in inputs_for(form, :relationship) would be for the destination, and then inside of that you could say inputs_for(nested_form, :_join). The parameters are merged together during submission.



Link to this function

auto(resource, action, opts \\ [])

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Link to this function

embedded(resource, action, auto_opts)

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Link to this function

related(resource, action, auto_opts)

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Link to this function

unions(resource, action, auto_opts)

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