AshPhoenix.SubdomainPlug (ash_phoenix v2.1.18)
View SourceThis is a basic plug that loads the current tenant assign from a given value set on subdomain.
This was copied from Triplex.SubdomainPlug
, here:
) - Required. The endpoint that the plug is in, used for deterining the host:assign
) - The key to use when assigning the current tenant The default value is:current_tenant
- An mfa to call with the conn and a subdomain value. Can be used to do something like fetch the current user given the tenant. Must return the new conn.
To plug it on your router, you can use:
plug AshPhoenix.SubdomainPlug,
endpoint: MyApp.Endpoint
An additional helper here can be used for determining the host in your liveview, and/or using the host that was already assigned to the conn.
For example:
def handle_params(params, uri, socket) do
socket =
assign_new(socket, :current_tenant, fn ->
AshPhoenix.SubdomainPlug.live_tenant(socket, uri)
socket =
assign_new(socket, :current_organization, fn ->
if socket.assigns[:current_tenant] do
subdomain: socket.assigns[:current_tenant]
{:noreply, socket}