AshPolicyAuthorizer.Check behaviour (ash_policy_authorizer v0.16.5) View Source

A behaviour for declaring checks, which can be used to easily construct authorization rules.

If a check can be expressed simply as a function of the actor, or the context of the request, see AshPolicyAuthorizer.SimpleCheck for an easy way to write that check. If a check can be expressed simply with a filter statement, see AshPolicyAuthorizer.FilterCheck for an easy way to write that check.

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An optional callback, that allows the check to work with policies set to access_type :filter

An optional callback, hat allows the check to work with policies set to access_type :runtime

Describe the check in human readable format, given the options

Strict checks should be cheap, and should never result in external calls (like database or api)

The type fo the check

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check_type() :: :simple | :filter | :manual


options() :: Keyword.t()

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auto_filter(struct, authorizer, options)

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auto_filter(struct(), authorizer(), options()) :: Keyword.t()

An optional callback, that allows the check to work with policies set to access_type :filter

Return a keyword list filter that will be applied to the query being made, and will scope the results to match the rule

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check(struct, list, map, options)

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check(struct(), [Ash.Resource.record()], map(), options()) ::
  {:ok, [Ash.Resource.record()] | boolean()} | {:error, Ash.Error.t()}

An optional callback, hat allows the check to work with policies set to access_type :runtime

Takes a list of records, and returns {:ok, true} if they are all authorized, or {:ok, list} containing the list of records that are authorized. You can also just return the whole list, {:ok, true} is just a shortcut.

Can also return {:error, error} if something goes wrong


describe(options()) :: String.t()

Describe the check in human readable format, given the options

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strict_check(struct, authorizer, options)

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strict_check(struct(), authorizer(), options()) :: {:ok, boolean() | :unknown}

Strict checks should be cheap, and should never result in external calls (like database or api)

It should return {:ok, true} if it can tell that the request is authorized, and {:ok, false} if it can tell that it is not. If unsure, it should return {:ok, :unknown}


type() :: check_type()

The type fo the check

:manual checks must be written by hand as standard check modules :filter checks can use AshPolicyAuthorizer.FilterCheck for simplicity :simple checks can use AshPolicyAuthorizer.SimpleCheck for simplicity

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