Assent v0.1.13 Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base behaviour View Source

OAuth 2.0 strategy base.


defmodule MyApp.MyOAuth2Strategy do
  use Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base

  def default_config(_config) do
      site: "",
      user_url: "/authorization.json"

  @impl true
  def normalize(_config, user) do
      # Conformed to
        "sub"   => user["id"],
        "name"  => user["name"],
        "email" => user["email"]
      # },
      # # Provider specific data not part of the standard claims spec
      # %{
      #  "bio" => user["bio"]

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authorize_url(config, strategy)

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authorize_url(Keyword.t(), module()) ::
  {:ok, %{session_params: %{state: binary()}, url: binary()}}
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callback(config, params, strategy)

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callback(Keyword.t(), map(), module()) ::
  {:ok, %{user: map(), token: map()}} | {:error, term()}

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default_config(Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t()
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get_user(arg1, map)

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get_user(Keyword.t(), map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, term()}
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normalize(arg1, map)

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normalize(Keyword.t(), map()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:ok, map(), map()} | {:error, term()}