Astra.Rest (astra v0.5.0)

Astra.Rest provides functions to access the public methods of the REST interface for databases hosed on

Astra's REST interface is implemented using the stargate project, Swagger docs for this interface are available here

If required, raw access to the Astra REST api can be obtained through the Astra.Rest.Http module.

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Add a row. All fields in the row are optional except for fields defined in the PRIMARY KEY of the table definition.

get_row retrieves one or more rows based on the keyspace, table and primary_key. Primary keys that span multiple fields should be delimeted with a \ ex. "123\tuesday".

Similar to Astra.Rest.add_row/3, the key needs to be provided explicity.

Search for rows in a table. The following operators are available for the query: $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne, and $exists.

Update part of a row, only fields provided in the entity will be updated.

Link to this section Functions

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add_row(keyspace, table, entity)


add_row(String, String, Map) :: {Atom, Map}

Add a row. All fields in the row are optional except for fields defined in the PRIMARY KEY of the table definition.


  • keyspace: the keyspace containing the target table
  • table: the table containing the entity we are retrieving
  • entity: a Map of the attributes of the row we are adding


      id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114",
      name: "test row"


  > new_row = %{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114", name: "test row"}
  > Astra.Rest.add_row("test", "thing", new_row)
  {:ok, %{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114"}}
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delete_row(keyspace, table, key)


delete_row(String, String, String) :: {Atom, []}

Remove a row.


  • keyspace: the keyspace containing the target table
  • table: the table containing the entity we are retrieving
  • key: a primary key, if it contains multiple fields they should be seperated with \


  > new_row = %{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114", name: "test row"}
  > Astra.Rest.delete_row("test", "thing", "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114")
  {:ok, []]}
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get_row(keyspace, table, primary_key)


get_row(String, String, String) :: {Atom, [Map]}

get_row retrieves one or more rows based on the keyspace, table and primary_key. Primary keys that span multiple fields should be delimeted with a \ ex. "123\tuesday".


> Astra.Rest.get_row("test", "thing", "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114") 
{:ok, [%{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114", name: "test row"}]}
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replace_row(keyspace, table, key, entity)


replace_row(String, String, String, Map) :: {Atom, Map}

Similar to Astra.Rest.add_row/3, the key needs to be provided explicity.


  • keyspace: the keyspace containing the target table
  • table: the table containing the entity we are retrieving
  • key: a primary key, if it contains multiple fields they should be seperated with \
  • entity: a Map of the attributes of the row we are adding


      id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114",
      name: "test row"


  > new_row = %{name: "test row"}
  > Astra.Rest.replace_row("test", "thing", "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187115", new_row)
  {:ok, %{name: "test row"}}
  > Astra.Rest.get_row("test", "thing", "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187115")
  {:ok, [%{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187115", name: "test row"}]}
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search_table(keyspace, table, query)


search_table(String, String, Map) :: {Atom, []}

Search for rows in a table. The following operators are available for the query: $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne, and $exists.

Please note that some restrictions exist for searches:

  1. Search cannot be on a PRIMARY KEY field, unless a composite primary key is being used.
  2. Search fields will require some form of secondary index. SAI is usually the best choice

Example of creating an SAI index on a table:

  id text PRIMARY KEY,
  name text

CREATE CUSTOM INDEX things_name_idx 
  ON thing (name) USING 'StorageAttachedIndex' 
  WITH OPTIONS = {'normalize': 'true', 'case_sensitive': 'false'};


  • keyspace: the keyspace containing the target table
  • table: the table containing the entity we are retrieving
  • query: the search query for the table. ex. %{name: %{"$in": ["red", "blue"]}}


  > Astra.Rest.search_table("test", "thing", %{name: %{"$eq": "test row"}}) 
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update_partial_row(keyspace, table, key, changes)


update_partial_row(String, String, String, Map) :: {Atom, Map}

Update part of a row, only fields provided in the entity will be updated.


  • keyspace: the keyspace containing the target table
  • table: the table containing the entity we are retrieving
  • key: a primary key, if it contains multiple fields they should be seperated with \
  • entity: a Map of the attributes of the row we are adding


      id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114",
      name: "test row"


  > new_row = %{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114", name: "test row"}
  > Astra.Rest.add_row("test", "thing", new_row)
  {:ok, %{id: "83b8d85d-bd33-4650-8b9d-b43354187114"}}