View Source Avalanche.Bindings (Avalanche v0.12.2)

Prepares bindings from list of values.

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Encodes the given values into an indexed map of bindings.

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Encodes the given values into an indexed map of bindings.


iex> values = [123, 1.23, "uno, dos, tres", false, ~N[2015-01-14 13:00:07], DateTime.from_unix!(1_464_096_368), ~D[2015-01-15]]
iex> Avalanche.Bindings.encode_params(values)
  "1" => %{type: "FIXED", value: "123"},
  "2" => %{type: "REAL", value: "1.23"},
  "3" => %{type: "TEXT", value: "uno, dos, tres"},
  "4" => %{type: "BOOLEAN", value: false},
  "5" => %{type: "TEXT", value: "2015-01-14T13:00:07"},
  "6" => %{type: "TEXT", value: "2016-05-24T13:26:08Z"},
  "7" => %{type: "TEXT", value: "2015-01-15"}