View Source Avalanche.Telemetry (Avalanche v0.13.0)

Telemetry integration.

Unless specified, all time's are in :native units.

Avalanche executes the following events:

Query Start

[:avalanche, :query, :start] - Executed at the start of each query sent to Snowflake.


  • :system_time - The time the query started


  • :query - The query sent to the database as a string
  • :params - The query parameters

Query Stop

[:avalanche, :query, :stop] - Executed at the end of each query sent to Snowflake.


  • :duration - The time spent executing the query


  • :query - The query sent to the database as a string
  • :params - The query parameters
  • :result - The query result (selected, updated)
  • :num_rows - The number of rows effected by the query
  • :error - Present if any error occurred while processing the query. (optional)

Query Exception

[:avalanche, :query, :exception] - Executed if executing a query throws an exception.


  • :duration - The time spent executing the query


  • :kind - The type of exception.
  • :error - Error description or error data.
  • :stacktrace - The stacktrace



Link to this function

event(event, measurements, meta)

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@spec event(atom(), number() | map(), map()) :: map()

Used for reporting generic events

Link to this function

start(event, meta, extra_measurements \\ %{})

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@spec start(atom(), map(), map()) :: map()

Emits a start telemetry event

Link to this function

stop(event, start_time, meta \\ %{}, extra_measurements \\ %{})

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@spec stop(atom(), number(), map(), map()) :: map()

Emits a stop event