View Source AWS.Account (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

Operations for Amazon Web Services Account Management

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Deletes the specified alternate contact from an Amazon Web Services account.

Disables (opts-out) a particular Region for an account.

Enables (opts-in) a particular Region for an account.

Retrieves the specified alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account.

Retrieves the primary contact information of an Amazon Web Services account.

Retrieves the opt-in status of a particular Region.

Lists all the Regions for a given account and their respective opt-in statuses.

Modifies the specified alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account.

Updates the primary contact information of an Amazon Web Services account.

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delete_alternate_contact(client, input, options \\ [])

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Deletes the specified alternate contact from an Amazon Web Services account.

For complete details about how to use the alternate contact operations, see Access or updating the alternate contacts.

Before you can update the alternate contact information for an Amazon Web Services account that is managed by Organizations, you must first enable integration between Amazon Web Services Account Management and Organizations. For more information, see Enabling trusted access for Amazon Web Services Account Management.

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disable_region(client, input, options \\ [])

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Disables (opts-out) a particular Region for an account.

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enable_region(client, input, options \\ [])

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Enables (opts-in) a particular Region for an account.

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get_alternate_contact(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the specified alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account.

For complete details about how to use the alternate contact operations, see Access or updating the alternate contacts.

Before you can update the alternate contact information for an Amazon Web Services account that is managed by Organizations, you must first enable integration between Amazon Web Services Account Management and Organizations. For more information, see Enabling trusted access for Amazon Web Services Account Management.

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get_contact_information(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the primary contact information of an Amazon Web Services account.

For complete details about how to use the primary contact operations, see Update the primary and alternate contact information.

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get_region_opt_status(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the opt-in status of a particular Region.

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list_regions(client, input, options \\ [])

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Lists all the Regions for a given account and their respective opt-in statuses.

Optionally, this list can be filtered by the region-opt-status-contains parameter.

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put_alternate_contact(client, input, options \\ [])

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Modifies the specified alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account.

For complete details about how to use the alternate contact operations, see Access or updating the alternate contacts.

Before you can update the alternate contact information for an Amazon Web Services account that is managed by Organizations, you must first enable integration between Amazon Web Services Account Management and Organizations. For more information, see Enabling trusted access for Amazon Web Services Account Management.

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put_contact_information(client, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the primary contact information of an Amazon Web Services account.

For complete details about how to use the primary contact operations, see Update the primary and alternate contact information.