View Source AWS.CloudControl (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

For more information about Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API, see the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

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Cancels the specified resource operation request.

Creates the specified resource.

Deletes the specified resource.

Returns information about the current state of the specified resource.

Returns the current status of a resource operation request.

Returns existing resource operation requests.

Returns information about the specified resources.

Updates the specified property values in the resource.

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cancel_resource_request(client, input, options \\ [])

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Cancels the specified resource operation request.

For more information, see Canceling resource operation requests in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

Only resource operations requests with a status of PENDING or IN_PROGRESS can be canceled.

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create_resource(client, input, options \\ [])

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Creates the specified resource.

For more information, see Creating a resource in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

After you have initiated a resource creation request, you can monitor the progress of your request by calling GetResourceRequestStatus using the RequestToken of the ProgressEvent type returned by CreateResource.

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delete_resource(client, input, options \\ [])

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Deletes the specified resource.

For details, see Deleting a resource in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

After you have initiated a resource deletion request, you can monitor the progress of your request by calling GetResourceRequestStatus using the RequestToken of the ProgressEvent returned by DeleteResource.

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get_resource(client, input, options \\ [])

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Returns information about the current state of the specified resource.

For details, see Reading a resource's current state.

You can use this action to return information about an existing resource in your account and Amazon Web Services Region, whether those resources were provisioned using Cloud Control API.

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get_resource_request_status(client, input, options \\ [])

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Returns the current status of a resource operation request.

For more information, see Tracking the progress of resource operation requests in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

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list_resource_requests(client, input, options \\ [])

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Returns existing resource operation requests.

This includes requests of all status types. For more information, see Listing active resource operation requests in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

Resource operation requests expire after 7 days.

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list_resources(client, input, options \\ [])

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Returns information about the specified resources.

For more information, see Discovering resources in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

You can use this action to return information about existing resources in your account and Amazon Web Services Region, whether those resources were provisioned using Cloud Control API.

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update_resource(client, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the specified property values in the resource.

You specify your resource property updates as a list of patch operations contained in a JSON patch document that adheres to the RFC 6902 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch standard.

For details on how Cloud Control API performs resource update operations, see Updating a resource in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide.

After you have initiated a resource update request, you can monitor the progress of your request by calling GetResourceRequestStatus using the RequestToken of the ProgressEvent returned by UpdateResource.

For more information about the properties of a specific resource, refer to the related topic for the resource in the Resource and property types reference in the CloudFormation Users Guide.