View Source AWS.ConnectCampaigns (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

Provide APIs to create and manage Amazon Connect Campaigns.

Link to this section Summary


Creates a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Deletes a campaign from the specified Amazon Connect account.

Deletes a connect instance config from the specified AWS account.

Delete the Connect Campaigns onboarding job for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

Describes the specific campaign.

Get state of a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Get state of campaigns for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Provides summary information about the campaigns under the specified Amazon Connect account.

Pauses a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Creates dials requests for the specified campaign Amazon Connect account.

Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Starts a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Onboard the specific Amazon Connect instance to Connect Campaigns.

Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

Updates the dialer config of a campaign.

Updates the outbound call config of a campaign.

Link to this section Functions

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create_campaign(client, input, options \\ [])

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Creates a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

This API is idempotent.

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delete_campaign(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Deletes a campaign from the specified Amazon Connect account.

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delete_connect_instance_config(client, connect_instance_id, input, options \\ [])

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Deletes a connect instance config from the specified AWS account.

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delete_instance_onboarding_job(client, connect_instance_id, input, options \\ [])

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Delete the Connect Campaigns onboarding job for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

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describe_campaign(client, id, options \\ [])

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Describes the specific campaign.

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get_campaign_state(client, id, options \\ [])

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Get state of a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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get_campaign_state_batch(client, input, options \\ [])

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Get state of campaigns for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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get_connect_instance_config(client, connect_instance_id, options \\ [])

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Get the specific Connect instance config.

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get_instance_onboarding_job_status(client, connect_instance_id, options \\ [])

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Get the specific instance onboarding job status.

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list_campaigns(client, input, options \\ [])

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Provides summary information about the campaigns under the specified Amazon Connect account.

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list_tags_for_resource(client, arn, options \\ [])

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List tags for a resource.

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pause_campaign(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Pauses a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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put_dial_request_batch(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Creates dials requests for the specified campaign Amazon Connect account.

This API is idempotent.

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resume_campaign(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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start_campaign(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Starts a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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start_instance_onboarding_job(client, connect_instance_id, input, options \\ [])

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Onboard the specific Amazon Connect instance to Connect Campaigns.

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stop_campaign(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.

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tag_resource(client, arn, input, options \\ [])

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Tag a resource.

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untag_resource(client, arn, input, options \\ [])

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Untag a resource.

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update_campaign_dialer_config(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the dialer config of a campaign.

This API is idempotent.

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update_campaign_name(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the name of a campaign.

This API is idempotent.

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update_campaign_outbound_call_config(client, id, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the outbound call config of a campaign.

This API is idempotent.