View Source AWS.HTTPClient behaviour (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

Specifies the behaviour of a HTTP Client.

You can switch the default HTTP client which uses hackney underneath by defining a different implementation by setting the :http_client configuration in AWS.Client:

client = %AWS.Client{http_client: {MyHttpClient, []}}
AWS.SNS.publish(client, "My message")

Link to this section Summary


Executes a HTTP request. Either returns {:ok, map} or {:error, reason}.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

request( method, url, body, headers, options )

View Source
@callback request(
  method :: atom(),
  url :: binary(),
  body :: iodata(),
  headers :: list(),
  options :: keyword()
) ::
   %{status_code: integer(), headers: [{binary(), binary()}], body: binary()}}
  | {:error, term()}

Executes a HTTP request. Either returns {:ok, map} or {:error, reason}.

  • body is already parsed into iodata. It may be in either JSON or XML format.
  • headers already contains required headers such as Authorization. See AWS.Request.sign_v4 for more details.