View Source AWS.Identitystore (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

The Identity Store service used by AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) provides a single place to retrieve all of your identities (users and groups).

For more information, see the IAM Identity Center User Guide.

Although AWS Single Sign-On was renamed, thessoandidentitystoreAPI namespaces will continue to retain their original name for backward compatibility purposes. For more information, see [IAM Identity Center rename]( This reference guide describes the identity store operations that you can call programatically and includes detailed information about data types and errors.

Link to this section Summary


Creates a group within the specified identity store.

Creates a relationship between a member and a group.

Creates a user within the specified identity store.

Delete a group within an identity store given GroupId.

Delete a membership within a group given MembershipId.

Deletes a user within an identity store given UserId.

Retrieves the group metadata and attributes from GroupId in an identity store.

Retrieves membership metadata and attributes from MembershipId in an identity store.

Retrieves the user metadata and attributes from the UserId in an identity store.

Retrieves GroupId in an identity store.

Retrieves the MembershipId in an identity store.

Retrieves the UserId in an identity store.

Checks the user's membership in all requested groups and returns if the member exists in all queried groups.

For the specified group in the specified identity store, returns the list of all GroupMembership objects and returns results in paginated form.

For the specified member in the specified identity store, returns the list of all GroupMembership objects and returns results in paginated form.

Lists all groups in the identity store.

Lists all users in the identity store.

For the specified group in the specified identity store, updates the group metadata and attributes.

For the specified user in the specified identity store, updates the user metadata and attributes.

Link to this section Functions

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create_group(client, input, options \\ [])

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Creates a group within the specified identity store.

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create_group_membership(client, input, options \\ [])

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Creates a relationship between a member and a group.

The following identifiers must be specified: GroupId, IdentityStoreId, and MemberId.

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create_user(client, input, options \\ [])

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Creates a user within the specified identity store.

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delete_group(client, input, options \\ [])

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Delete a group within an identity store given GroupId.

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delete_group_membership(client, input, options \\ [])

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Delete a membership within a group given MembershipId.

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delete_user(client, input, options \\ [])

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Deletes a user within an identity store given UserId.

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describe_group(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the group metadata and attributes from GroupId in an identity store.

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describe_group_membership(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves membership metadata and attributes from MembershipId in an identity store.

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describe_user(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the user metadata and attributes from the UserId in an identity store.

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get_group_id(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves GroupId in an identity store.

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get_group_membership_id(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the MembershipId in an identity store.

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get_user_id(client, input, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the UserId in an identity store.

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is_member_in_groups(client, input, options \\ [])

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Checks the user's membership in all requested groups and returns if the member exists in all queried groups.

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list_group_memberships(client, input, options \\ [])

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For the specified group in the specified identity store, returns the list of all GroupMembership objects and returns results in paginated form.

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list_group_memberships_for_member(client, input, options \\ [])

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For the specified member in the specified identity store, returns the list of all GroupMembership objects and returns results in paginated form.

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list_groups(client, input, options \\ [])

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Lists all groups in the identity store.

Returns a paginated list of complete Group objects. Filtering for a Group by the DisplayName attribute is deprecated. Instead, use the GetGroupId API action.

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list_users(client, input, options \\ [])

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Lists all users in the identity store.

Returns a paginated list of complete User objects. Filtering for a User by the UserName attribute is deprecated. Instead, use the GetUserId API action.

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update_group(client, input, options \\ [])

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For the specified group in the specified identity store, updates the group metadata and attributes.

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update_user(client, input, options \\ [])

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For the specified user in the specified identity store, updates the user metadata and attributes.