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Amazon Macie Classic

Amazon Macie Classic has been discontinued and is no longer available.

A new Amazon Macie is now available with significant design improvements and additional features, at a lower price and in most Amazon Web Services Regions. We encourage you to take advantage of the new and improved features, and benefit from the reduced cost. To learn about features and pricing for the new Macie, see Amazon Macie. To learn how to use the new Macie, see the Amazon Macie User Guide.

Link to this section Summary


(Discontinued) Associates a specified Amazon Web Services account with Amazon Macie Classic as a member account.

(Discontinued) Associates specified S3 resources with Amazon Macie Classic for monitoring and data classification.

(Discontinued) Removes the specified member account from Amazon Macie Classic.

(Discontinued) Removes specified S3 resources from being monitored by Amazon Macie Classic.

(Discontinued) Lists all Amazon Macie Classic member accounts for the current Macie Classic administrator account.

(Discontinued) Lists all the S3 resources associated with Amazon Macie Classic.

(Discontinued) Updates the classification types for the specified S3 resources.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

associate_member_account(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Associates a specified Amazon Web Services account with Amazon Macie Classic as a member account.

Link to this function

associate_s3_resources(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Associates specified S3 resources with Amazon Macie Classic for monitoring and data classification.

If memberAccountId isn't specified, the action associates specified S3 resources with Macie Classic for the current Macie Classic administrator account. If memberAccountId is specified, the action associates specified S3 resources with Macie Classic for the specified member account.

Link to this function

disassociate_member_account(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Removes the specified member account from Amazon Macie Classic.

Link to this function

disassociate_s3_resources(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Removes specified S3 resources from being monitored by Amazon Macie Classic.

If memberAccountId isn't specified, the action removes specified S3 resources from Macie Classic for the current Macie Classic administrator account. If memberAccountId is specified, the action removes specified S3 resources from Macie Classic for the specified member account.

Link to this function

list_member_accounts(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Lists all Amazon Macie Classic member accounts for the current Macie Classic administrator account.

Link to this function

list_s3_resources(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Lists all the S3 resources associated with Amazon Macie Classic.

If memberAccountId isn't specified, the action lists the S3 resources associated with Macie Classic for the current Macie Classic administrator account. If memberAccountId is specified, the action lists the S3 resources associated with Macie Classic for the specified member account.

Link to this function

update_s3_resources(client, input, options \\ [])

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(Discontinued) Updates the classification types for the specified S3 resources.

If memberAccountId isn't specified, the action updates the classification types of the S3 resources associated with Amazon Macie Classic for the current Macie Classic administrator account. If memberAccountId is specified, the action updates the classification types of the S3 resources associated with Macie Classic for the specified member account.