View Source AWS.TranscribeStreaming (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

Amazon Transcribe streaming offers three main types of real-time transcription: Standard, Medical, and Call Analytics.

  • Standard transcriptions are the most common option. Refer to for details.

  • Medical transcriptions are tailored to medical professionals and incorporate medical terms. A common use case for this service is transcribing doctor-patient dialogue in real time, so doctors can focus on their patient instead of taking notes. Refer to for details.

  • Call Analytics transcriptions are designed for use with call center audio on two different channels; if you're looking for insight into customer service calls, use this option. Refer to for details.

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Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

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start_call_analytics_stream_transcription(client, input, options \\ [])

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Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

Use this operation for Call Analytics transcriptions.

The following parameters are required:

  • language-code

  • media-encoding

  • sample-rate

For more information on streaming with Amazon Transcribe, see Transcribing streaming audio.

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start_medical_stream_transcription(client, input, options \\ [])

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Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

The following parameters are required:

  • language-code

  • media-encoding

  • sample-rate

For more information on streaming with Amazon Transcribe Medical, see Transcribing streaming audio.

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start_stream_transcription(client, input, options \\ [])

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Starts a bidirectional HTTP/2 or WebSocket stream where audio is streamed to Amazon Transcribe and the transcription results are streamed to your application.

The following parameters are required:

  • language-code or identify-language

  • media-encoding

  • sample-rate

For more information on streaming with Amazon Transcribe, see Transcribing streaming audio.