View Source AWS.WorkMailMessageFlow (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

The WorkMail Message Flow API provides access to email messages as they are being sent and received by a WorkMail organization.

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Retrieves the raw content of an in-transit email message, in MIME format.

Updates the raw content of an in-transit email message, in MIME format.

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get_raw_message_content(client, message_id, options \\ [])

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Retrieves the raw content of an in-transit email message, in MIME format.

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put_raw_message_content(client, message_id, input, options \\ [])

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Updates the raw content of an in-transit email message, in MIME format.

This example describes how to update in-transit email message. For more information and examples for using this API, see Updating message content with AWS Lambda.

Updates to an in-transit message only appear when you call PutRawMessageContent from an AWS Lambda function configured with a synchronous Run Lambda rule. If you call PutRawMessageContent on a delivered or sent message, the message remains unchanged, even though GetRawMessageContent returns an updated message.