View Source AWS.XML behaviour (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

Specifies the behaviour of a XML parser.

You can switch the default XML parser which uses AWS.Util underneath by defining a different implementation by setting the :xml_module configuration in AWS.Client:

client = %AWS.Client{xml_module: MyCustomXMLParser}
AWS.SNS.publish(client, %{})

Link to this section Summary


Decodes a XML into a map. Raises in case of errors.

Encodes a map into XML iodata. Raises in case of errors.

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback decode!(input :: iodata(), options :: keyword()) :: map()

Decodes a XML into a map. Raises in case of errors.

Link to this callback

encode_to_iodata!(input, options)

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@callback encode_to_iodata!(input :: map(), options :: keyword()) :: iodata()

Encodes a map into XML iodata. Raises in case of errors.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

decode!(xml, opts \\ [])

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Link to this function

encode_to_iodata!(map, opts \\ [])

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Link to this macro

xmlElement(args \\ [])

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Link to this macro

xmlElement(record, args)

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Link to this macro

xmlText(args \\ [])

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Link to this macro

xmlText(record, args)

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