View Source AWS (aws-elixir v0.13.3)

AWS provides an API to talk with Amazon Web Services.

Each module in this project corresponds with an AWS service, and they can be used by calling the functions of those modules. For example, "AWS DynamoDB" operations can be found in AWS.DynamoDB module.

First we need to setup a AWS.Client structure with credentials and details about the region we want to use.

client = %AWS.Client{
  access_key_id: "<access-key-id>",
  secret_access_key: "<secret-access-key>",
  region: "us-east-1"

Alternatively you can create a client with AWS.Client.create/3. Check more options for configuration at AWS.Client docs.

So we pass this client struct to our service modules:

{:ok, result, _http_response} = AWS.Kinesis.list_streams(client, %{})

The second argument in this case is the input which is a map with the parameters for this operation.

Another example is the upload of a given file to AWS.S3 using AWS.S3.put_object/5:

client = AWS.Client.create("your-access-key-id", "your-secret-access-key", "us-east-1")
file =!("./tmp/your-file.txt")
md5 = :crypto.hash(:md5, file) |> Base.encode64()

AWS.S3.put_object(client, "your-bucket-name", "foo/your-file-on-s3.txt", %{"Body" => file, "ContentMD5" => md5})

You can find more details about those parameters in the AWS API reference.


Custom HTTP client and JSON/XML parsers

You can customize your HTTP client or the module responsible for parsing and encoding JSON or XML by using options for the AWS.Client.

By default, AWS Elixir uses hackney for the HTTP client, Jason for JSON, and a custom module for XML that is written on top of xmlerl. For more details, check AWS.Client documentation.