View Source aws_request (aws v1.0.4)



Include additions only if they don't already exist in the provided list.
Add querystring to url is there are any parameters in the list
Build custom request headers based on a list key-value pairs representing the mappings from param names to header names and a map with the params.
Build request headers based on a list key-value pairs representing the mappings from param names to header names and a map with the params.


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add_headers(Additions, Headers)

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Include additions only if they don't already exist in the provided list.
-spec add_query(binary(), [{binary(), any()}]) -> binary().
Add querystring to url is there are any parameters in the list
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build_custom_headers(ParamsCustomHeadersMapping, Params0)

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Build custom request headers based on a list key-value pairs representing the mappings from param names to header names and a map with the params.
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build_headers(ParamsHeadersMapping, Params0)

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Build request headers based on a list key-value pairs representing the mappings from param names to header names and a map with the params.
-spec method_to_binary(atom()) -> binary().
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request(RequestFun, Options)

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sign_request(Client, Method, URL, Headers0, Body)

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