View Source BambooSes.Message.Content (bamboo_ses v0.4.4)

Contains functions for composing email content. Depending on email it can generate simple, raw or template content.

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Generates simple, raw or template content struct

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@type t() :: %BambooSes.Message.Content{
  Raw: %{Data: String.t()} | nil,
      Subject: %{Charset: String.t(), Data: String.t() | nil},
      Body: %{
        Text: %{Charset: String.t(), Data: String.t() | nil},
        Html: %{Charset: String.t(), Data: String.t() | nil}
    | nil,
      TemplateName: String.t() | nil,
      TemplateData: String.t() | nil,
      TemplateArn: String.t() | nil
    | nil

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@spec build_from_bamboo_email(Bamboo.Email.t()) :: t()

Generates simple, raw or template content struct



If template params are given then a template content struct will be returned. If email has no attachments and headers then a simple content struct will be returned. If there is an attachment or a header (apart from Reply-To) then raw content struct will be returned.