View Source BambooSes.Message.Destination (bamboo_ses v0.4.4)

Contains functions for composing destination information

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Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "Bcc" field of the destination struct

Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "Cc" field of the destination struct

Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "To" field of the destination struct

Link to this section Types

@type recipients() :: [Bamboo.Email.address()]
@type t() :: %BambooSes.Message.Destination{
  BccAddresses: recipients(),
  CcAddresses: recipients(),
  ToAddresses: recipients()

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put_bcc(destination, recipients)

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Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "Bcc" field of the destination struct



put_bcc(destination, [{"John Doe", ""}, {"Jane Doe", ""}]
put_bcc(destination, {"John Doe", ""})
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put_cc(destination, recipients)

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@spec put_cc(t(), [Bamboo.Email.address()]) :: t()
@spec put_cc(t(), Bamboo.Email.address()) :: t()

Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "Cc" field of the destination struct



put_cc(destination, [{"John Doe", ""}, {"Jane Doe", ""}]
put_cc(destination, {"John Doe", ""})
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put_to(destination, recipients)

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@spec put_to(t(), [Bamboo.Email.address()]) :: t()
@spec put_to(t(), Bamboo.Email.address()) :: t()

Adds single recipient or list of recipients to the "To" field of the destination struct



put_to(destination, [{"John Doe", ""}, {"Jane Doe", ""}]
put_to(destination, {"John Doe", ""})