Baz.MemoryRepo (baz v0.0.16)

ETS backed in memory ecto repository for ephemeral data

Link to this section Summary


Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.all/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.checked_out?/0.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.checkout/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.config/0.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.delete!/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.delete/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get!/3.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get/3.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get_dynamic_repo/0.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert!/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.load/2.

Callback implementation for!/2.

Callback implementation for

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.reload/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.start_link/1.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.stop/1.

Callback implementation for

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.update!/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.update/2.

Link to this section Functions

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aggregate(queryable, aggregate, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.aggregate/3.

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aggregate(queryable, aggregate, field, opts)

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.aggregate/4.

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all(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.all/2.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.checked_out?/0.

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checkout(fun, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.checkout/2.

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Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.config/0.

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Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.default_options/1.

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delete!(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.delete!/2.

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delete(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.delete/2.

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delete_all(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.delete_all/2.

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exists?(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.exists?/2.

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get!(queryable, id, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get!/3.

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get(queryable, id, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get/3.

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get_by!(queryable, clauses, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get_by!/3.

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get_by(queryable, clauses, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get_by/3.

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Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.get_dynamic_repo/0.

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insert!(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert!/2.

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insert(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert/2.

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insert_all(schema_or_source, entries, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert_all/3.

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insert_or_update!(changeset, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert_or_update!/2.

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insert_or_update(changeset, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.insert_or_update/2.

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load(schema_or_types, data)

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.load/2.

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one!(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for!/2.

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one(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for

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preload(struct_or_structs_or_nil, preloads, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.preload/3.

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prepare_query(operation, query, opts)

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.prepare_query/3.

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Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.put_dynamic_repo/1.

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reload!(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.reload!/2.

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reload(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.reload/2.

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start_link(opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.start_link/1.

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stop(timeout \\ 5000)

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.stop/1.

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stream(queryable, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for

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update!(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.update!/2.

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update(struct, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.update/2.

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update_all(queryable, updates, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Ecto.Repo.update_all/3.