View Source Bento.Decoder (bento v1.0.0)
Useful wrapper for Bento.Parser
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Decode a bencoded value.
Decode a bencoded value, but raise an error if it fails.
Transform a parsed value into a struct.
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@spec decode(iodata(), opts()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, decode_err()}
Decode a bencoded value.
Decode a bencoded value, but raise an error if it fails.
@spec transform(Bento.Parser.t(), opts()) :: t()
Transform a parsed value into a struct.
defmodule User do
defstruct name: "John", age: 27
Bento.Decoder.transform(%{"name" => "Bob"}, as: %User{})
# %User{name: "Bob", age: 27}