BexioApiClient.Items (bexio_api_client v0.6.4)

Bexio API for the items & products part of the API

Link to this section Summary


Create an item.

Delete an order.

Edit an item.

Fetch single item.

Fetch a list of items.

Fetch a list of stock areas.

Fetch a list of stock locations.

Search items via query. The following search fields are supported

Search sock areas via query. The following search fields are supported

Search sock locations via query. The following search fields are supported

Link to this section Types

Link to this type


@type api_error_type() :: BexioApiClient.Helpers.api_error_type()

Link to this section Functions

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create_item(req, item)

@spec create_item(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  item :: BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()
) :: {:ok, BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()} | api_error_type()

Create an item.

Link to this function

delete_item(req, id)

@spec delete_item(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  id :: non_neg_integer()
) :: {:ok, boolean()} | api_error_type()

Delete an order.

Link to this function

edit_item(req, item)

@spec edit_item(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  item :: BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()
) :: {:ok, BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()} | api_error_type()

Edit an item.

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fetch_item(req, id)

@spec fetch_item(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  id :: non_neg_integer()
) :: {:ok, BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()} | api_error_type()

Fetch single item.

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fetch_items(req, opts \\ [])

@spec fetch_items(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, [BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()]} | api_error_type()

Fetch a list of items.

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fetch_stock_areas(req, opts \\ [])

@spec fetch_stock_areas(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, %{required(integer()) => String.t()}} | api_error_type()

Fetch a list of stock areas.

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fetch_stock_locations(req, opts \\ [])

@spec fetch_stock_locations(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, %{required(integer()) => String.t()}} | api_error_type()

Fetch a list of stock locations.

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search_items(req, criteria, opts \\ [])

@spec search_items(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  criteria :: [BexioApiClient.SearchCriteria.t()],
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, [BexioApiClient.Items.Item.t()]} | api_error_type()

Search items via query. The following search fields are supported:

  • intern_name
  • intern_code
Link to this function

search_stock_areas(req, criteria, opts \\ [])

@spec search_stock_areas(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  criteria :: [BexioApiClient.SearchCriteria.t()],
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, %{required(integer()) => String.t()}} | api_error_type()

Search sock areas via query. The following search fields are supported:

  • name
  • stock_id
Link to this function

search_stock_locations(req, criteria, opts \\ [])

@spec search_stock_locations(
  req :: Req.Request.t(),
  criteria :: [BexioApiClient.SearchCriteria.t()],
  opts :: [BexioApiClient.GlobalArguments.offset_arg()]
) :: {:ok, %{required(integer()) => String.t()}} | api_error_type()

Search sock locations via query. The following search fields are supported:

  • name