BexioApiClient.Others.CompanyProfile (bexio_api_client v0.7.0)

Bexio Company Profile Module.

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Bexio Company Profile.

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@type t() :: %BexioApiClient.Others.CompanyProfile{
  address: String.t(),
  address_nr: String.t(),
  address_public?: boolean(),
  city: String.t(),
  country_id: integer(),
  country_name: term(),
  description: String.t(),
  facebook_name: String.t(),
  fax: String.t(),
  fax_public?: boolean(),
  id: integer(),
    | :joint_partnership
    | :foundation
    | :corporation
    | :limited_liability_company
    | :association,
  logo_base64: String.t(),
  logo_public?: boolean(),
  mail: String.t(),
  mail_public?: boolean(),
  mobile_public?: boolean(),
  mwst_nr: String.t(),
  name: String.t(),
  own_logo?: boolean(),
  phone_fixed: String.t(),
  phone_mobile: String.t(),
  phone_public?: boolean(),
  postcode: integer(),
  public_profile?: boolean(),
  skype_name: String.t(),
  skype_public?: boolean(),
  trade_register_nr: String.t(),
  twitter_name: String.t(),
  url: String.t(),
  url_public?: boolean(),
  ust_id_nr: String.t()

Bexio Company Profile.