BexioApiClient.Purchase.Bill (bexio_api_client v0.6.4)

Bill in purchase

Link to this section Summary



Bill in purchase.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %BexioApiClient.Purchase.Bill{
  attachment_ids: [String.t()],
  bill_date: Date.t(),
  booking_account_ids: [integer()],
  created_at: NaiveDateTime.t(),
  currency_code: String.t(),
  document_no: String.t(),
  due_date: Date.t(),
  firstname_suffix: String.t() | nil,
  gross: float() | nil,
  id: String.t(),
  lastname_company: String.t(),
  net: float() | nil,
  overdue?: boolean(),
  pending_amount: float() | nil,
    | :booked
    | :partially_created
    | :created
    | :partially_sent
    | :sent
    | :partially_downloaded
    | :downloaded
    | :partially_paid
    | :paid
    | :partially_failed
    | :failed,
  title: String.t() | nil,
  vendor: String.t(),
  vendor_ref: String.t() | nil

Bill in purchase.



  • :vendor - Joined firstname_suffix and lastname_company based on supplier (contact) type (COMPANY or PRIVATE)
  • :net - Net value of the bill. calculated based on line_items and discounts.
  • :gross - Gross value of the bill. calculated based on line_items and discounts.
  • :overdue - Indicates whether bill due_date has passed. for bill in status :draft or :paid is always false

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

new(attrs \\ %{})

@spec new(map()) :: t()