View Source BitcoinLib.Crypto.Bitstring (BitcoinLib v0.4.7)

Bitstring manipulation functions

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Takes any bistring and returns bytes in the reverse order, such as going from little endian to big endian or the opposite

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@spec reverse(bitstring()) :: bitstring()

Takes any bistring and returns bytes in the reverse order, such as going from little endian to big endian or the opposite


Possible improvement

Found out that this code would also work, might have to test for performance

  |> :binary.decode_unsigned(:big) # could omit :big since it's default
  |> :binary.encode_unsigned(:little)



iex> <<0xb62e9d36389427d39e5d438a05045c23d1938e4242661c5fe2ad87c46337b091::256>>
...> |> BitcoinLib.Crypto.Bitstring.reverse()