View Source BitcoinLib.Key.HD.Entropy (BitcoinLib v0.4.7)

Computing entropy from different sources, mostly for seed phrase creation

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Takes a list of dice rolls as a string argument, having values ranging from 0 to 5, transforming them into a single integer that could serve as entropy for seed phrase creation

Takes a list of dice rolls as a string argument, having values ranging from 0 to 5, transforming them into a single integer that could serve as entropy for seed phrase creation

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@spec from_dice_rolls!(binary()) :: integer()

Takes a list of dice rolls as a string argument, having values ranging from 0 to 5, transforming them into a single integer that could serve as entropy for seed phrase creation



iex> "12345612345612345612345612345612345612345612345612"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.HD.Entropy.from_dice_rolls!()
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@spec from_dice_rolls(binary()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()}

Takes a list of dice rolls as a string argument, having values ranging from 0 to 5, transforming them into a single integer that could serve as entropy for seed phrase creation



iex> "12345612345612345612345612345612345612345612345612"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.HD.Entropy.from_dice_rolls()
...> |> elem(1)