View Source BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey (BitcoinLib v0.4.7)

Bitcoin extended private key management module

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Simply calls from_derivation_path and directly returns the private key whatever the outcome.any() Will crash if the index is negative or greater than 0x7FFFFFFF

Derives the nth child of a HD private key

Deserialization of a private key from its xpriv version

Simply calls from_derivation_path and directly returns the private key whatever the outcome.any() Will crash if used with an invalid derivation path

Derives a child private key, following a derivation path

Converts a seed into a master private key hash containing the key itself and the chain code

Converts a seed phrase into an extended private key

Create a private key from a WIF

Creates a Bitcoin private key using efficient randomness

Serialization of a master private key into its xpriv version

Signs a message using a private key

Converts a private key to the WIF format

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey

Link to this section Functions

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derive_child!(private_key, index, hardened? \\ false)

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@spec derive_child!(t(), integer(), boolean()) :: t()

Simply calls from_derivation_path and directly returns the private key whatever the outcome.any() Will crash if the index is negative or greater than 0x7FFFFFFF



iex> private_key = %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{
...>   key: <<0xf79bb0d317b310b261a55a8ab393b4c8a1aba6fa4d08aef379caba502d5d67f9::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x463223aac10fb13f291a1bc76bc26003d98da661cb76df61e750c139826dea8b::256>>
...> }
...> index = 0
...> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.derive_child!(private_key, index)
  key: <<0x39f329fedba2a68e2a804fcd9aeea4104ace9080212a52ce8b52c1fb89850c72::256>>,
  chain_code: <<0x05aae71d7c080474efaab01fa79e96f4c6cfe243237780b0df4bc36106228e31::256>>,
  depth: 1,
  index: 0,
  parent_fingerprint: <<0x18C1259::32>>
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derive_child(private_key, index, hardened? \\ false)

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@spec derive_child(t(), integer(), boolean()) :: {:ok, t()}

Derives the nth child of a HD private key

Takes a private key, its chain code and the child's index Returns the child's private key and it's associated chain code

Inspired by



iex> private_key = %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{
...>   key: <<0xf79bb0d317b310b261a55a8ab393b4c8a1aba6fa4d08aef379caba502d5d67f9::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x463223aac10fb13f291a1bc76bc26003d98da661cb76df61e750c139826dea8b::256>>
...> }
...> index = 0
...> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.derive_child(private_key, index)
    key: <<0x39f329fedba2a68e2a804fcd9aeea4104ace9080212a52ce8b52c1fb89850c72::256>>,
    chain_code: <<0x05aae71d7c080474efaab01fa79e96f4c6cfe243237780b0df4bc36106228e31::256>>,
    depth: 1,
    index: 0,
    parent_fingerprint: <<0x18C1259::32>>
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@spec deserialize(binary()) :: t()

Deserialization of a private key from its xpriv version

values from



iex> "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.deserialize()

%BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey {
  key: <<0xE8F32E723DECF4051AEFAC8E2C93C9C5B214313817CDB01A1494B917C8436B35::256>>,
  chain_code: <<0x873DFF81C02F525623FD1FE5167EAC3A55A049DE3D314BB42EE227FFED37D508::256>>,
  depth: 0,
  index: 0
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from_derivation_path!(private_key, derivation_path)

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@spec from_derivation_path!(t(), BitcoinLib.Key.HD.DerivationPath.t()) :: t()
@spec from_derivation_path!(t(), binary()) :: t()

Simply calls from_derivation_path and directly returns the private key whatever the outcome.any() Will crash if used with an invalid derivation path



iex> private_key = %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{
...>   key: <<0xF79BB0D317B310B261A55A8AB393B4C8A1ABA6FA4D08AEF379CABA502D5D67F9::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x463223AAC10FB13F291A1BC76BC26003D98DA661CB76DF61E750C139826DEA8B::256>>
...> }
...> {:ok, derivation_path} = BitcoinLib.Key.HD.DerivationPath.parse("m/44'")
...> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.from_derivation_path!(private_key, derivation_path)
  key: <<0x4E59086C1DEC6D081986CB079F536E38B3D2B6DA7A8EDCFFB1942AE8B9FDF156::256>>,
  chain_code: <<0xF42DE823EE78F6227822D79BC6F6101D084D7F0F876B7828BF027D681294E538::256>>,
  depth: 1,
  index: 0x8000002C,
  parent_fingerprint: <<0x18C1259::32>>,
  fingerprint: <<0x68b1f6f8::32>>
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from_derivation_path(private_key, derivation_path)

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@spec from_derivation_path(t(), BitcoinLib.Key.HD.DerivationPath.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, binary()}
@spec from_derivation_path(t(), binary()) :: {:ok, t()}

Derives a child private key, following a derivation path



iex> private_key = %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{
...>   key: <<0xF79BB0D317B310B261A55A8AB393B4C8A1ABA6FA4D08AEF379CABA502D5D67F9::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x463223AAC10FB13F291A1BC76BC26003D98DA661CB76DF61E750C139826DEA8B::256>>
...> }
...> {:ok, derivation_path} = BitcoinLib.Key.HD.DerivationPath.parse("m/44'")
...> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.from_derivation_path(private_key, derivation_path)
    key: <<0x4E59086C1DEC6D081986CB079F536E38B3D2B6DA7A8EDCFFB1942AE8B9FDF156::256>>,
    chain_code: <<0xF42DE823EE78F6227822D79BC6F6101D084D7F0F876B7828BF027D681294E538::256>>,
    depth: 1,
    index: 0x8000002C,
    parent_fingerprint: <<0x18C1259::32>>,
    fingerprint: <<0x68b1f6f8::32>>
@spec from_seed(binary()) :: t()

Converts a seed into a master private key hash containing the key itself and the chain code



iex> "7e4803bd0278e223532f5833d81605bedc5e16f39c49bdfff322ca83d444892ddb091969761ea406bee99d6ab613fad6a99a6d4beba66897b252f00c9dd7b364"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.from_seed()
  chain_code: <<0x5A7AEBB0FBE37BB89E690A6E350FAFED353B624741269E71001E608732FD8125::256>>,
  key: <<0x41DF6FA7F014A60FD79EC50B201FECF9CEDD8328921DDF670ACFCEF227242688::256>>,
  fingerprint: <<0xB317B417::32>>,
  parent_fingerprint: <<0::32>>
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from_seed_phrase(seed_phrase, passphrase \\ "")

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Converts a seed phrase into an extended private key



iex> "rally celery split order almost twenty ignore record legend learn chaos decade"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.from_seed_phrase()
  fingerprint: <<0x2E92A74C::32>>,
  key: <<0xD6EAD233E06C068585976B5C8373861D77E7F030EC452E65EE81C85FA6906970::256>>,
  chain_code: <<0xA17100DD000D9D4A37034F7CEE0D46F5AE97B570BE065E57A00546FAE014A8A2::256>>,
  depth: 0x0,
  index: 0x0

Create a private key from a WIF

Based on



iex> "KzractrYn5gnDNVwBDy7sYhAkyMvX4WeYQpwyhCAUKDogJTzYsUc"
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.from_wif()
%BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{key: <<108, 122, 178, 249, 97, 161, 188, 63, 19, 205, 192, 141,
 196, 28, 63, 67, 154, 222, 189, 84, 154, 142, 241, 192, 137, 232, 26, 89,
 7, 55, 97, 7>>}
@spec generate() :: %{raw: bitstring(), wif: binary()}

Creates a Bitcoin private key using efficient randomness

Inspired by



iex> %{raw: raw1} = BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.generate
...> %{raw: raw2} = BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.generate
...> raw1 == raw2
@spec serialize(t()) :: binary()

Serialization of a master private key into its xpriv version

values from



iex> %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey {
...>   key: <<0xE8F32E723DECF4051AEFAC8E2C93C9C5B214313817CDB01A1494B917C8436B35::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x873DFF81C02F525623FD1FE5167EAC3A55A049DE3D314BB42EE227FFED37D508::256>>
...> }
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.serialize()
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sign_message(message, private_key)

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@spec sign_message(binary(), t()) :: binary()

Signs a message using a private key

Below is an example of a signature... this doctest doesn't end with a value, because the signature is different on every call, and even can have different lengths.



iex> message = "76a914c825a1ecf2a6830c4401620c3a16f1995057c2ab88ac"
...> private_key = %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{key: <<0xd6ead233e06c068585976b5c8373861d77e7f030ec452e65ee81c85fa6906970::256>>}
...> BitcoinLib.Crypto.Secp256k1.sign(message, private_key)

Converts a private key to the WIF format

Based on



iex> %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey{key: <<108, 122, 178, 249, 97, 161, 188, 63, 19, 205, 192, 141,
...>   196, 28, 63, 67, 154, 222, 189, 84, 154, 142, 241, 192, 137, 232, 26, 89,
...>   7, 55, 97, 7>>}
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey.to_wif()