View Source BitcoinLib.Script (BitcoinLib v0.4.7)

Script manipulation module

Link to this section Summary


Transforms a list of opcodes into a compact integer reprensenting the size of the script, and the script itself

Transforms a script in the bitstring form into a list of opcodes

Transforms a script in the bitstring form into a list of opcodes

Link to this section Functions

@spec encode(list()) :: {bitstring(), bitstring()}

Transforms a list of opcodes into a compact integer reprensenting the size of the script, and the script itself



iex> [
...>   %BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Stack.Dup{},
...>   %BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Crypto.Hash160{},
...>   %BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Data{
...>     value: <<0xfde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de::160>>
...>   },
...>   %BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.BitwiseLogic.EqualVerify{},
...>   %BitcoinLib.Script.Opcodes.Crypto.CheckSig{}
...> ] |> BitcoinLib.Script.encode
{<<0x19>>, <<0x76a914fde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de88ac::200>>}
@spec execute(bitstring(), list()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()}
@spec execute(list(), list()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()}
@spec identify(bitstring() | list()) ::
  {:unknown} | {:p2pk | :p2pkh | :p2sh | :p2wsh | :p2wpkh, bitstring()}
@spec parse!(bitstring()) :: list()

Transforms a script in the bitstring form into a list of opcodes



iex> <<0x76a914fde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de88ac::200>>
...> |> BitcoinLib.Script.parse!()
    value: <<0xfde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de::160>>
    script: <<0x76a914fde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de88ac::200>>
@spec parse(bitstring()) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, binary()}

Transforms a script in the bitstring form into a list of opcodes



iex> <<0x76a914fde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de88ac::200>>
...> |> BitcoinLib.Script.parse()
      value: <<0xfde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de::160>>
      script: <<0x76a914fde0a08625e327ba400644ad62d5c571d2eec3de88ac::200>>
@spec validate(bitstring(), list()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()}
@spec validate(list(), list()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, binary()}