View Source BitcrowdEcto.Random (bitcrowd_ecto v1.0.0)

Various random value generators.



Generates a random token from an alphabet designed to have no ambiguities.

Generates a random token suitable for inclusion in URLs.

Generates a UUID V4.


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unambiguous_human_token(length \\ 6)

View Source (since 0.6.0)
@spec unambiguous_human_token(length :: non_neg_integer()) :: String.t()

Generates a random token from an alphabet designed to have no ambiguities.

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url_token(bytes \\ 16)

View Source (since 0.6.0)
@spec url_token(bytes :: non_neg_integer()) :: String.t()

Generates a random token suitable for inclusion in URLs.

@spec uuid() :: String.t()

Generates a UUID V4.