bmfont v0.1.0 BMFont

Parses text and binary BMFont files in accordance with the AngelCode spec.

Everything is kept pretty much as is, with the exception of some of the fields being renamed to their longer forms.

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Parse a BMFont file format, supports both text and binary versions.

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t() :: %BMFont{
  chars: [
      channel: term(),
      height: term(),
      id: term(),
      page: term(),
      width: term(),
      x: term(),
      xadvance: term(),
      xoffset: term(),
      y: term(),
      yoffset: term()
  common: %BMFont.Common{
    alpha_channel: term(),
    base: term(),
    blue_channel: term(),
    green_channel: term(),
    height: term(),
    line_height: term(),
    packed: term(),
    pages: term(),
    red_channel: term(),
    width: term()
  info: %BMFont.Info{
    bold: term(),
    charset: term(),
    face: term(),
    italic: term(),
    outline: term(),
    padding: term(),
    size: term(),
    smooth: term(),
    spacing: term(),
    stretch_height: term(),
    supersampling: term(),
    unicode: term()
  kernings: [%BMFont.Kerning{amount: term(), first: term(), second: term()}],
  pages: [%BMFont.Page{file: term(), id: term()}]

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parse(binary() | [String.t()]) :: t()

Parse a BMFont file format, supports both text and binary versions.

The parse/1 function can be passed either the binary data, the entire string, or an enumerable with the separate lines of text.