Bolt.Sips v2.0.11 Bolt.Sips.Response View Source

Support for transforming a Bolt response to a list of Bolt.Sips.Types or arbitrary values. A Bolt.Sips.Response is used for mapping any response received from a Neo4j server into a an Elixir struct.

You'll interact with this module every time you're needing to get and manipulate the data resulting from your queries.

For example, a simple Cypher query like this:

Bolt.Sips.query(Bolt.Sips.conn(), "RETURN [10,11,21] AS arr")

will return:

  bookmark: "neo4j:bookmark:v1:tx21868",
  fields: ["arr"],
  notifications: [],
  plan: nil,
  profile: nil,
  records: [[[10, 11, 21]]],
  results: [%{"arr" => [10, 11, 21]}],
  stats: [],
  type: "r"

and while you have now access to the full data returned by Neo4j, most of the times you'll just want the results:

iex» %Bolt.Sips.Response{results: results} = Bolt.Sips.query!(Bolt.Sips.conn(), "RETURN [10,11,21] AS arr")
iex» results
[%{"arr" => [10, 11, 21]}]

More complex queries, i.e.:

MATCH p=({name:'Alice'})-[r:KNOWS]->({name:'Bob'}) RETURN r

will return results like this:

[%{"r" => %Bolt.Sips.Types.Relationship{end: 647, id: 495,
 properties: %{}, start: 646, type: "KNOWS"}}]

Note: the Path has also functionality for "drawing" a graph, from a given node-relationship path

Our Bolt.Sips.Response is implementing Elixir's Enumerable Protocol, to help you accessing the results. Hence something like this, is possible:

iex» Bolt.Sips.query!(Bolt.Sips.conn(), "RETURN [10,11,21] AS arr") |>
...» Enum.reduce(0, &(Enum.sum(&1["arr"]) + &2))

an overly complicated example, but you get the point?! :)

You can also quickly get the first of the results, returned by Neo4j. Example:

iex» Bolt.Sips.query!(Bolt.Sips.conn(), "UNWIND range(1, 10) AS n RETURN n") |>
...» Bolt.Sips.Response.first()
%{"n" => 1}

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element() :: any()
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t() :: %Bolt.Sips.Response{
  bookmark: String.t(),
  fields: list(),
  notifications: list(),
  plan: map(),
  profile: any(),
  records: list(),
  results: list(),
  stats: list() | map(),
  type: String.t()

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