Braintree.AndroidPayCard (Braintree v0.13.0)

AndroidPayCard structs are not created directly, but are built within responses from other endpoints, such as Braintree.Customer.

For additional reference see:

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Braintree.AndroidPayCard{
  billing_address: term(),
  bin: String.t(),
  created_at: String.t(),
  customer_id: String.t(),
  default: boolean(),
  expiration_month: String.t(),
  expiration_year: String.t(),
  google_transaction_id: String.t(),
  image_url: String.t(),
  is_network_tokenized: boolean(),
  source_card_last_4: String.t(),
  source_card_type: String.t(),
  source_description: String.t(),
  subscriptions: [any()],
  token: String.t(),
  updated_at: String.t(),
  virtual_card_last_4: String.t(),
  virtual_card_type: String.t()

Link to this section Functions