Braintree.Subscription (Braintree v0.13.0)

Manage customer subscriptions to recurring billing plans.

For additional reference see:

Link to this section Summary


Cancel an existing subscription by subscription_id. A cancelled subscription cannot be reactivated, you would need to create a new one.

Create a subscription, or return an error response with after failed validation.

Find an existing subscription by subscription_id

Convert a map into a Subscription struct. Add_ons and transactions are converted to a list of structs as well.

You can manually retry charging past due subscriptions.

To search for subscriptions, pass a map of search parameters.

To update a subscription, use its ID along with new attributes. The same validations apply as when creating a subscription. Any attribute not passed will remain unchanged.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Braintree.Subscription{
  add_ons: [Braintree.AddOn.t()],
  balance: String.t(),
  billing_day_of_month: String.t(),
  billing_period_end_date: String.t(),
  billing_period_start_date: String.t(),
  created_at: String.t(),
  current_billing_cycle: String.t(),
  days_past_due: String.t(),
  descriptor: String.t(),
  discounts: [any()],
  failure_count: String.t(),
  first_billing_date: String.t(),
  id: String.t(),
  merchant_account_id: String.t(),
  never_expires: String.t(),
  next_bill_amount: String.t(),
  next_billing_date: String.t(),
  next_billing_period_amount: String.t(),
  number_of_billing_cycles: String.t(),
  paid_through_date: String.t(),
  payment_method_token: String.t(),
  plan_id: String.t(),
  price: String.t(),
  status: String.t(),
  status_history: [any()],
  transactions: [Braintree.Transaction.t()],
  trial_duration: String.t(),
  trial_duration_unit: String.t(),
  trial_period: String.t(),
  updated_at: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

cancel(subscription_id, opts \\ [])

@spec cancel(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

Cancel an existing subscription by subscription_id. A cancelled subscription cannot be reactivated, you would need to create a new one.



{:ok, subscription} = Subscription.cancel("123")
Link to this function

create(params \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

@spec create(map(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

Create a subscription, or return an error response with after failed validation.



{:ok, sub} = Braintree.Subscription.create(%{
  payment_method_token: card.token,
  plan_id: "starter"
Link to this function

find(subscription_id, opts \\ [])

@spec find(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

Find an existing subscription by subscription_id



{:ok, subscription} = Subscription.find("123")

Convert a map into a Subscription struct. Add_ons and transactions are converted to a list of structs as well.



subscripton ={"plan_id" => "business",
                                           "status" => "Active"})
Link to this function

retry_charge(subscription_id, amount \\ nil, opts \\ [])

@spec retry_charge(String.t(), String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Braintree.Transaction.t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

You can manually retry charging past due subscriptions.

By default, we will use the subscription balance when retrying the transaction. If you would like to use a different amount you can optionally specify the amount for the transaction.

A successful manual retry of a past due subscription will always reduce the balance of that subscription to $0, regardless of the amount of the retry.



{:ok, transaction} = Braintree.Subscription.retry_charge(sub_id)
{:ok, transaction} = Braintree.Subscription.retry_charge(sub_id, "24.00")
Link to this function

search(params, opts \\ [])

@spec search(map(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

To search for subscriptions, pass a map of search parameters.



={plan_id: %{is: "starter"}})

Link to this function

update(id, params, opts \\ [])

@spec update(binary(), map(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Braintree.ErrorResponse.t()}

To update a subscription, use its ID along with new attributes. The same validations apply as when creating a subscription. Any attribute not passed will remain unchanged.



{:ok, subscription} = Braintree.Subscription.update("subscription_id", %{
  plan_id: "new_plan_id"
subscription.plan_id # "new_plan_id"