Braintree (Braintree v0.13.0)

A native Braintree client library for Elixir. Only a subset of the API is supported and this is a work in progress. That said, it is already used in production, and any modules that have been implemented can be used.

For general reference please see:

Link to this section Summary


Convenience function for retrieving braintree specfic environment values, but will raise an exception if values are missing.

Convenience function for setting braintree application environment variables.

Link to this section Functions

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get_env(key, default \\ nil)

@spec get_env(atom(), any()) :: any()

Convenience function for retrieving braintree specfic environment values, but will raise an exception if values are missing.



iex> Braintree.get_env(:random_value)
** (Braintree.ConfigError) missing config for :random_value

iex> Braintree.get_env(:random_value, "random")

iex> Application.put_env(:braintree, :random_value, "not-random")
...> value = Braintree.get_env(:random_value)
...> Application.delete_env(:braintree, :random_value)
...> value

iex> System.put_env("RANDOM", "not-random")
...> Application.put_env(:braintree, :system_value, {:system, "RANDOM"})
...> value = Braintree.get_env(:system_value)
...> System.delete_env("RANDOM")
...> value
Link to this function

put_env(key, value)

@spec put_env(atom(), any()) :: :ok

Convenience function for setting braintree application environment variables.



iex> Braintree.put_env(:thingy, "thing")
...> Braintree.get_env(:thingy)