API Reference braze_ex v1.0.22



BrazeEx is an automatically generated http api wrapper for integrating with the Braze HTTP API.

API calls for all endpoints tagged CatalogsCatalogItemsAsynchronous.

API calls for all endpoints tagged CatalogsCatalogItemsSynchronous.

API calls for all endpoints tagged CatalogsCatalogManagementSynchronous.

API calls for all endpoints tagged EmailListsAddresses.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportCampaign.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportCanvas.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportCustomEvents.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportKPI.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportNewsFeed.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportPurchases.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportSegment.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportSessionAnalytics.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportUsers.

API calls for all endpoints tagged MessagingLiveActivities.

API calls for all endpoints tagged MessagingScheduleMesages.

API calls for all endpoints tagged MessagingSendMessages.

API calls for all endpoints tagged PreferenceCenter.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SCIM.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SMS.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SubscriptionGroupsSMS.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SubscriptionGroupsSMSAndWhatsApp.

API calls for all endpoints tagged TemplatesContentBlocks.

API calls for all endpoints tagged TemplatesEmailTemplates.

API calls for all endpoints tagged UserData.

API calls for all endpoints tagged UserDataExternalIDMigration.

Handle Tesla connections for BrazeEx.

Helper functions for deserializing responses into models

Helper functions for building Tesla requests