Brex.Result v0.4.0 Brex.Result.Base View Source

Tools for doing basic result tuple manipulations.

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Takes in a tuple and function from plain value to {:ok, any} | {:error, any}. Applies the function to the value within the ok tuple or propogates the error.

Wraps value in an error tuple Will be inlined at compile time.

Extracts the value or reason from the tuple. Caution: If given an error tuple it raise an exception!

Takes in a tuple and a function from plain value to plain value. Applies the function to the value within the ok tuple or propogates error.

Ignores the value in an ok tuple and just returns :ok. Still shortcircuits on error.

Wraps value in an ok tuple. Will be inlined at compile time.

This is infix bind/2 Has same syntax restrictions as pipe. Defined as a macro for syntatic purposes.

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bind(arg, f) View Source (since 0.1.0)
bind(s(a), (a -> s(b))) :: s(b) when a: var

Takes in a tuple and function from plain value to {:ok, any} | {:error, any}. Applies the function to the value within the ok tuple or propogates the error.


iex> bind({:ok, 1}, fn x -> if x == 1, do: {:ok, 2}, else: {:error, "not_one"} end)
{:ok, 2}

iex> bind({:ok, 4}, fn x -> if x == 1, do: {:ok, 2}, else: {:error, "not_one"} end)
{:error, "not_one"}

iex> bind({:error, 4}, fn x -> if x == 1, do: {:ok, 2}, else: {:error, "not_one"} end)
{:error, 4}
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error(r) View Source (macro) (since 0.1.0)

Wraps value in an error tuple Will be inlined at compile time.


error(any) :: t()
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extract!(ma) View Source (since 0.1.0)
extract!(s(a)) :: a when a: var

Extracts the value or reason from the tuple. Caution: If given an error tuple it raise an exception!

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fmap(m, f) View Source (since 0.1.0)
fmap(s(a), (a -> b)) :: s(b) when a: var, b: var

Takes in a tuple and a function from plain value to plain value. Applies the function to the value within the ok tuple or propogates error.


iex> {:ok, 6}
...> |> fmap(fn x -> x+2 end)
{:ok, 8}

iex> {:error, 6}
...> |> fmap(fn x -> x+2 end)
{:error, 6}
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ignore(arg1) View Source (since 0.2.0)
ignore(t()) :: p()

Ignores the value in an ok tuple and just returns :ok. Still shortcircuits on error.


iex> {:ok, 2}
...> |> ignore

iex> :ok
...> |> ignore

iex> {:error, :not_found}
...> |> ignore
{:error, :not_found}
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ok(val) View Source (macro) (since 0.1.0)

Wraps value in an ok tuple. Will be inlined at compile time.


ok(a) :: s(a) when a: var
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arg ~> fun View Source (macro) (since 0.1.0)

This is infix bind/2 Has same syntax restrictions as pipe. Defined as a macro for syntatic purposes.


def sgn(x) do
  if x > 0 do
    {:ok, "pos"}
    {:error, "neg"}

def two_args(x, y), do: {:ok, x - y}

{:ok, 1}
~> sgn
= {:ok, "pos"}

{:ok, -3}
~> sgn
= {:error, "neg"}

{:error, 2}
~> sgn
= {:error, 2}

{:ok, 3}
~> two_args(2)
= {:ok, 1}


t(a) ~> (a -> t(b)) :: t(b) when a: var, b: var