Module brod_group_subscriber_v2

This module implements an improved version of brod_group_subscriber behavior.

Behaviours: brod_group_member, gen_server.

This module defines the brod_group_subscriber_v2 behaviour.
Required callback functions: init/2, handle_message/2.
Optional callback functions: assign_partitions/3, get_committed_offset/3, terminate/2.


This module implements an improved version of brod_group_subscriber behavior. Key difference is that each partition worker runs in a separate Erlang process, allowing parallel message processing.

Data Types


commit_fun() = fun((brod:offset()) -> ok)


init_info() = #{group_id := brod:group_id(), topic := brod:topic(), partition := brod:partition(), commit_fun := commit_fun()}


member_id() = brod:group_member_id()


subscriber_config() = #{client := brod:client(), group_id := brod:group_id(), topics := [brod:topic()], cb_module := module(), init_data => term(), message_type => message | message_set, consumer_config => brod:consumer_config(), group_config => brod:group_config()}

Function Index

ack/4Commit offset for a topic-partition, but don't commit it to Kafka.
assign_partitions/3This function is called only when partition_assignment_strategy is set for callback_implemented in group config.
assignments_received/4Called by group coordinator when there is new assignment received.
assignments_revoked/1Called by group coordinator before re-joining the consumer group.
commit/4Ack offset for a topic-partition.
get_committed_offsets/2Called by group coordinator when initializing the assignments for subscriber.
start_link/1Start (link) a group subscriber.
stop/1Stop group subscriber, wait for pid DOWN before return.

Function Details


ack(Pid::pid(), Topic::brod:topic(), Partition::brod:partition(), Offset::brod:offset()) -> ok

Commit offset for a topic-partition, but don't commit it to Kafka. This is an asynchronous call


assign_partitions(Pid::pid(), Members::[brod:group_member()], TopicPartitionList::[brod:topic_partition()]) -> [{member_id(), [brod:partition_assignment()]}]

This function is called only when partition_assignment_strategy is set for callback_implemented in group config.


assignments_received(Pid::pid(), MemberId::member_id(), GenerationId::integer(), TopicAssignments::brod:received_assignments()) -> ok

Called by group coordinator when there is new assignment received.


assignments_revoked(Pid::pid()) -> ok

Called by group coordinator before re-joining the consumer group.


commit(Pid::pid(), Topic::brod:topic(), Partition::brod:partition(), Offset::brod:offset()) -> ok

Ack offset for a topic-partition. This is an asynchronous call


get_committed_offsets(Pid::pid(), TopicPartitions::[brod:topic_partition()]) -> {ok, [{brod:topic_partition(), brod:offset()}]}

Called by group coordinator when initializing the assignments for subscriber.

NOTE: This function is called only when offset_commit_policy is set to consumer_managed in group config.

NOTE: The committed offsets should be the offsets for successfully processed (acknowledged) messages, not the begin_offset to start fetching from.


handle_call(Call, From, State) -> any()


start_link(Config::subscriber_config()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}

Start (link) a group subscriber.

Possible Config keys:


stop(Pid::pid()) -> ok

Stop group subscriber, wait for pid DOWN before return.

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