bubblewrap v0.4.3 Bubblewrap.Result

Result module provides Result type with utility functions.

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Result type. {:ok, res} or {:error, err} unwraps into {:ok, res} or {:error, err}


Filters and unwraps the collection of results, leaving only errors

Filters and unwraps the collection of results, leaving only ok's

Returns self if it is {:ok, x}, or evaluates supplied lambda that expected to return another result. Returns supplied fallback result, if second argument is not a function

Applies function that returns a boolean using the value of the monadic type. If false, the value will be set to the given error value

Applies function that returns monadic type itself to the content of the monadic type. This is useful in a chain of operations, where argument to the next op has to be unwrapped to proceed

Performs a calculation with the content of monadic container and returns the argument intact. Even though the convention says to return nothing (Unit) this one passes value along for convenience — this way we can perform more than one operation

Returns true if argument is error(), false if ok()

Returns true if argument is ok(), false if error()

Transforms the content of monadic type. Function is applied only if it's ok. Otherwise value stays intact

Groups and unwraps the collection of results, forming a Map with keys :ok and :error

Retry in case of error

Wraps expression and returns exception wrapped into {:error, _} if it happens, otherwise {:ok, result of expression}, in case if expression returns result type, it won't be wrapped

Returns value x if argument is {:ok, x}, raises e if {:error, e}. Second argument is a fallback. It can by a lambda accepting error, or some precomputed default value

Converts Result into Option: {:ok, val} -> val, {:error, e} -> nil. Useful when you don't care about the error value and only what to emphasize that nothing has been found

Always returns a Result, transforming a plain value to {:ok, x} if it isn't a result already

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t(res, err)
t(res, err) :: {:ok, res} | {:error, err}

Result type. {:ok, res} or {:error, err} unwraps into {:ok, res} or {:error, err}

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collect_error([t(res, err)]) :: [err] when res: any(), err: any()

Filters and unwraps the collection of results, leaving only errors:


iex> [{:ok, 1}, {:error, "oops"}] |> collect_error
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collect_ok([t(res, any())]) :: [res] when res: any()

Filters and unwraps the collection of results, leaving only ok's


iex> [{:ok, 1}, {:error, "oops"}] |> collect_ok
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fallback(arg, f)
fallback(t(res, err), t(res, err) | (err -> t(res, err))) ::
  t(res, err)
when res: any(), err: any()

Returns self if it is {:ok, x}, or evaluates supplied lambda that expected to return another result. Returns supplied fallback result, if second argument is not a function.


iex> {:ok, 5} |> fallback(fn _ -> 1 end)
{:ok, 5}

iex> {:error, "WTF"} |> fallback(fn m -> {:ok, "#{m}LOL"} end)
{:ok, "WTFLOL"}

iex> {:error, "WTF"} |> fallback({:ok, 5})
{:ok, 5}
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filter(err, f, fe)
filter(t(a, e1), (a -> boolean()), (a -> e2) | e2) :: t(a, e1 | e2)
when a: any(), e1: any(), e2: any()

Applies function that returns a boolean using the value of the monadic type. If false, the value will be set to the given error value.


f = fn (x) ->
    x == 0

{:ok, 5} |> filter(f) == {:ok, 5}
0 |> filter(f) == nil
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flat_map(arg, f)
flat_map(t(a, b), (a -> t(c, b))) :: t(c, b)
when a: any(), b: any(), c: any()

Applies function that returns monadic type itself to the content of the monadic type. This is useful in a chain of operations, where argument to the next op has to be unwrapped to proceed.


f = fn (x) ->
  {:ok, x * 2}
{:ok, 5} |> flat_map(f) == {:ok, 10}
{:error, "fail"} |> flat_map(f) == {:error, "fail"}
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foreach(res, f)
foreach(t(a, b), (a -> no_return())) :: t(a, b) when a: any(), b: any()

Performs a calculation with the content of monadic container and returns the argument intact. Even though the convention says to return nothing (Unit) this one passes value along for convenience — this way we can perform more than one operation.

{:ok, 5}
|> foreach(fn x -> IO.inspect(x) end)
|> foreach(fn x -> IO.inspect(2 * x) end)

This will print: 5 10

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is_error(t(any(), any())) :: boolean()

Returns true if argument is error(), false if ok()


iex> is_error({:error, "Error"})

iex> is_ok({:error, "Error"})
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is_ok(t(any(), any())) :: boolean()

Returns true if argument is ok(), false if error()


iex> is_ok({:ok, 5})

iex> is_error({:ok, 5})
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map(arg, f)
map(t(a, b), (a -> c)) :: t(c, b) when a: any(), b: any(), c: any()

Transforms the content of monadic type. Function is applied only if it's ok. Otherwise value stays intact.


f = fn (x) ->
  x * 2
{:ok, 5} |> map(f) == {:ok, 10}
{:error, "fail"} |> map(f) == {:error, "fail"}
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partition([t(res, err)]) :: %{ok: [res], error: [err]}
when res: any(), err: any()

Groups and unwraps the collection of results, forming a Map with keys :ok and :error:


iex> [{:ok, 1}, {:error, "oops"}, {:ok, 2}] |> partition
%{ok: [1, 2], error: ["oops"]}

iex> [{:ok, 1}] |> partition
%{ok: [1], error: []}
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retry(opts \\ [], list) (macro)

Retry in case of error.

Possible options:

  • :n - times to retry
  • :delay — delay between retries


result = retry n: 3, delay: 3000 do

This will call remove_service() 4 times (1 time + 3 retries) with an interval of 3 seconds.

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try_result(mode \\ :full, list) (macro)

Wraps expression and returns exception wrapped into {:error, _} if it happens, otherwise {:ok, result of expression}, in case if expression returns result type, it won't be wrapped.

Possible modes:

  • :full - returns exception struct intact (default)
  • :message — returns error message only
  • :module — returns error module only


iex> try_result do
...>   5 + 5
...> end
{:ok, 10}

iex> broken = fn -> raise ArithmeticError, [message: "bad argument"] end
...> try_result do
...>   broken.()
...> end
{:error, %ArithmeticError{message: "bad argument"}}

...> try_result :message do
...>   broken.()
...> end
{:error, "bad argument"}

...> try_result :module do
...>   broken.()
...> end
{:error, ArithmeticError}
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unwrap(result, fallback \\ nil)
unwrap(t(res, err), res | (err -> res)) :: res when res: any(), err: any()

Returns value x if argument is {:ok, x}, raises e if {:error, e}. Second argument is a fallback. It can by a lambda accepting error, or some precomputed default value.


iex> unwrap({:ok, 5})

iex> unwrap({:error, :uh_oh}, fn _ -> 10 end)

iex> unwrap({:error, :uh_oh}, 10)
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unwrap_option(t(res, any())) :: Bubblewrap.Option.t(res) when res: any()

Converts Result into Option: {:ok, val} -> val, {:error, e} -> nil. Useful when you don't care about the error value and only what to emphasize that nothing has been found.


iex> unwrap_option({:ok, 5})

iex> unwrap_option({:error, :uh_oh})
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wrap(t(res, err) | res) :: res when res: any(), err: any()

Always returns a Result, transforming a plain value to {:ok, x} if it isn't a result already.


iex> wrap({:ok, 5})
{:ok, 5}

iex> wrap(5)
{:ok, 5}

iex> wrap({:error, :uh_oh})
{:error, :uh_oh}