View Source Bunch.Config (Bunch v1.6.1)

A bunch of helpers for parsing and validating configurations.



Parses config according to fields_specs.


Link to this function

parse(config, fields_specs)

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@spec parse(
  config :: Keyword.t(v),
  [field | {field, field_specs | (parsed_config -> field_specs)}]
) :: Bunch.Type.try_t(parsed_config)
when parsed_config: %{required(atom()) => v},
     field: atom(),
     v: any(),
           (v | any() -> Bunch.Type.try_t() | boolean())
           | (v | any(), parsed_config -> Bunch.Type.try_t() | boolean()),
         in: Enumerable.t(),
         default: v,
         require?: boolean(),
         require_if: (parsed_config -> boolean())
       | nil

Parses config according to fields_specs.

fields_specs consist of constraints on each field. Supported constraints are:

  • validate - function determining if field's value is correct
  • in - enumerable containing all valid values
  • default - value returned if a field is not found in config
  • require? - determines whether a field is required, defaults to false when default is set and true when default is not set
  • require_if - deprecated, pass function returning constraints instead

Instead of a list of constraints, a function accepting fields parsed so far and returning the constraints can be passed. If the function returns nil, field is considered non existent, as if it wasn't passed at all.


iex> Bunch.Config.parse([a: 1, b: 2], a: [validate: & &1 > 0], b: [in: -2..2])
{:ok, %{a: 1, b: 2}}
iex> Bunch.Config.parse([a: 1, b: 4], a: [validate: & &1 > 0], b: [in: -2..2])
{:error, {:config_field, {:invalid_value, [key: :b, value: 4, reason: {:not_in, -2..2}]}}}
iex> Bunch.Config.parse(
...> [a: 1, b: 2],
...> a: [validate: & &1 > 0],
...> b: [in: -2..2],
...> c: [default: 5]
...> )
{:ok, %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 5}}
iex> Bunch.Config.parse(
...> [a: 1, b: 2],
...> a: [validate: & &1 > 0],
...> b: [in: -2..2],
...> c: [require?: false]
...> )
{:ok, %{a: 1, b: 2}}
iex> Bunch.Config.parse(
...> [a: 1, b: 1],
...> a: [validate: & &1 > 0],
...> b: [in: -2..2],
...> c: &(if &1.a == &1.b, do: [in: 0..1])
...> )
{:error, {:config_field, {:key_not_found, :c}}}