View Source Bunch.Macro (Bunch v1.6.1)

A bunch of helpers for implementing macros.



Receives an AST and traverses it expanding all the nodes.

Imitates import functionality by finding and replacing bare function calls (like foo()) in AST with fully-qualified call (like

Imitates import functionality by finding and replacing bare function calls (like foo()) in AST with fully-qualified call (like

Works like Macro.prewalk/2, but allows to skip particular nodes.

Works like Macro.prewalk/3, but allows to skip particular nodes using an accumulator.


@spec expand_deep(Macro.t(), Macro.Env.t()) :: Macro.t()

Receives an AST and traverses it expanding all the nodes.

This function uses Macro.expand/2 under the hood. Check it out for more information and examples.

@spec inject_call(
  {module(), atom()}
) :: Macro.t()

Imitates import functionality by finding and replacing bare function calls (like foo()) in AST with fully-qualified call (like

Receives AST fragment as first parameter and a pair {Some.Module, :foo} as second

Link to this function

inject_calls(ast, functions)

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@spec inject_calls(Macro.t(), [{module(), atom()}]) :: Macro.t()

Imitates import functionality by finding and replacing bare function calls (like foo()) in AST with fully-qualified call (like

Receives AST fragment as first parameter and list of pairs {Some.Module, :foo} as second

@spec prewalk_while(Macro.t(), (Macro.t() -> {:enter | :skip, Macro.t()})) ::

Works like Macro.prewalk/2, but allows to skip particular nodes.


iex> code = quote do fun(1, 2, opts: [key: :val]) end
iex> code |> Bunch.Macro.prewalk_while(fn node ->
...>   if Keyword.keyword?(node) do
...>     {:skip, node ++ [default: 1]}
...>   else
...>     {:enter, node}
...>   end
...> end)
quote do fun(1, 2, opts: [key: :val], default: 1) end
Link to this function

prewalk_while(ast, acc, fun)

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@spec prewalk_while(
  (Macro.t(), any() -> {:enter | :skip, Macro.t(), any()})
) :: {Macro.t(), any()}

Works like Macro.prewalk/3, but allows to skip particular nodes using an accumulator.


iex> code = quote do fun(1, 2, opts: [key: :val]) end
iex> code |> Bunch.Macro.prewalk_while(0, fn node, acc ->
...>   if Keyword.keyword?(node) do
...>     {:skip, node ++ [default: 1], acc + 1}
...>   else
...>     {:enter, node, acc}
...>   end
...> end)
{quote do fun(1, 2, opts: [key: :val], default: 1) end, 1}