Caddy.Admin.Request (Caddy v1.0.7)

Req, send request through socket



Send HTTP DELETE method to admin socket

Send HTTP GET method to admin socket

Send HTTP PATCH method to admin socket

Send HTTP POST method to admin socket

Send HTTP PUT method to admin socket



@type t() :: %Caddy.Admin.Request{
  body: binary(),
  headers: Keyword.t(),
  status: integer()


delete(path, data \\ "", content_type \\ "application/json")

@spec delete(binary(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, atom() | %{:headers => list(), optional(any()) => any()},
   String.t() | map()}

Send HTTP DELETE method to admin socket


Send HTTP GET method to admin socket

patch(path, data, content_type \\ "application/json")

Send HTTP PATCH method to admin socket

post(path, data, content_type \\ "application/json")

Send HTTP POST method to admin socket

put(path, data, content_type \\ "application/json")

@spec put(binary(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, atom() | %{:headers => list(), optional(any()) => any()},
   String.t() | map()}

Send HTTP PUT method to admin socket