
A DSL to build DELETE queries.


pub type Comment =
pub type Delete(a) =
pub type DeleteTable =
pub type DeleteUsing =
pub type Epilog =
pub type From =
pub type Join =
pub type Joins =
pub type ReadQuery =
pub type Where =
pub type WriteQuery(a) =


pub fn comment(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  comment cmmnt: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Specify a comment for the Delete query.

pub fn epilog(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  epilog eplg: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Specify an epilog for the Delete query.

pub fn get_comment(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Comment

Get the comment from an Delete query.

pub fn get_epilog(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Epilog

Get the epilog from an Delete query.

pub fn get_joins(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Joins

Gets the Joins of the Delete query.

pub fn get_modifier(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> String

Gets the DELETE modifier.

pub fn get_table(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> DeleteTable

Gets the table name of the Delete query.

pub fn get_using(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> List(From)

Gets the USING clause of the Delete query.

pub fn get_where(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Where

Gets the Where of the Delete query.

pub fn join(delete dlt: Delete(a), join jn: Join) -> Delete(a)

Adds a Join to the Delete query.

NOTICE: On 🐘PostgreSQL and 🪶SQLite Joins are only allowed if the FROM clause is set as well.

pub fn joins(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  joins jns: List(Join),
) -> Delete(a)

Adds Joins to the Delete query.

NOTICE: On 🐘PostgreSQL and 🪶SQLite Joins are only allowed if the FROM clause is set as well.

pub fn modifier(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  modifier mdfr: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Sets the DELETE modifier.

pub fn new() -> Delete(a)

Creates an empty Delete query.

pub fn no_comment(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Specify that no comment should be added to the Delete query.

pub fn no_epilog(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Specify that no epilog should be added to the Delete query.

pub fn no_join(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Removes any Joins from the Delete query.

pub fn no_modifier(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Removes the DELETE modifier.

pub fn no_returning(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Specify that no columns should be returned after the Delete query.

pub fn no_table(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Removes the table name from the Delete query.

pub fn no_using(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Removes the USING clause from the Delete query.

pub fn no_where(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> Delete(a)

Removes the Where from the Delete query.

pub fn or_where(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  where whr: Where,
) -> Delete(a)

Sets an OrWhere or appends into an existing OrWhere.

  • If the outermost Where is an OrWhere, the new Where is appended to the list within OrWhere.
  • If the query does not have a Where clause, the given Where is set instead.
  • If the outermost Where is any other kind of Where, this and the current outermost Where are wrapped in an OrWhere.
pub fn replace_join(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  join jn: Join,
) -> Delete(a)

Replaces any Joins of the Delete query with a signle Join.

NOTICE: On 🐘PostgreSQL and 🪶SQLite Joins are only allowed if the FROM clause is set as well.

pub fn replace_joins(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  joins jns: List(Join),
) -> Delete(a)

Replaces any Joins of the Delete query with the given Joins.

NOTICE: On 🐘PostgreSQL and 🪶SQLite Joins are only allowed if the FROM clause is set as well.

pub fn replace_using_sub_query(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  query qry: ReadQuery,
  alias als: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Replaces the USING clause of the Delete query with a sub-query.

pub fn replace_using_table(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  table_name tbl_nm: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Replaces the USING clause of the Delete query with a table.

pub fn replace_where(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  where whr: Where,
) -> Delete(a)

Replaces the Where in the Delete query.

pub fn returning(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  returning rtrn: List(String),
) -> Delete(a)

Specify the columns to return after the Delete query.

pub fn table(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  table_name tbl_nm: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Sets the table name of the Delete query, aka the table where the rows will be deleted from.

pub fn to_query(delete dlt: Delete(a)) -> WriteQuery(a)

Creates a WriteQuery from a Delete query.

pub fn using_sub_query(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  query qry: ReadQuery,
  alias als: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Adds a USING clause to the Delete query specifing a sub-query.

The sub-query must be aliased.

If the query already has a USING clause, the new USING clause will be appended to the existing one.

The USING clause is used to specify additional tables that are used to filter the rows to be deleted.

NOTICE: 🪶SQLite does not support USING.

NOTICE: 🦭MariaDB and 🐬MySQL may not support sub-queries in the USING clause. In such case you may use a sub-query in a WHERE clause, or use a join instead.

pub fn using_table(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  table_name tbl_nm: String,
) -> Delete(a)

Adds a USING clause to the Delete query specifing a table.

If the query already has a USING clause, the new USING clause will be appended to the existing one.

The USING clause is used to specify additional tables that are used to filter the rows to be deleted.

NOTICE: 🪶SQLite does not support USING.

NOTICE: For 🦭MariaDB and 🐬MySQL it is mandatory to specify the table set within the FROM clause in the USING clause, again - e.g. in raw SQL: DELETE * FROM a USING a, b, WHERE a.b_id =;

pub fn where(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  where whr: Where,
) -> Delete(a)

Sets an AndWhere or appends into an existing AndWhere.

  • If the outermost Where is an AndWhere, the new Where is appended to the list within AndWhere.
  • If the query does not have a Where clause, the given Where is set instead.
  • If the outermost Where is any other kind of Where, this and the current outermost Where are wrapped in an AndWhere.
pub fn xor_where(
  delete dlt: Delete(a),
  where whr: Where,
) -> Delete(a)

Sets an XorWhere or appends into an existing XorWhere.

  • If the outermost Where is an XorWhere, the new Where is appended to the list within XorWhere.
  • If the query does not have a Where clause, the given Where is set instead.
  • If the outermost Where is any other kind of Where, this and the current outermost Where are wrapped in an XorWhere.

NOTICE: This operator does not exist in 🐘PostgreSQL or 🪶SQLite, and Cake generates equivalent SQL using OR and AND and NOT.

NOTICE: This operator exists in 🦭MariaDB and 🐬MySQL, nativly.

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